Overcoming Fear, Worry, and AnxietyChikamu

Overcoming Fear, Worry, and Anxiety

DAY 5 OF 7

Day 5: Therefore, do not worry

Read Matthew 6:25-33

Jesus really got down to brass tacks when He said, “If God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith!” (Matthew 6:30, emphasis added). Little faith! Think about those words. The Lord equates our worry with a lack of faith.

Why does the Lord say that worry is unbelief? How does my worry reflect the level of my faith? My worryometer is also a faithometer; in this case, it isn’t my faith that’s red-lining— it’s my unbelief. Why is worry unbelief? Because it has its roots in doubt about God’s character. It questions His Fatherly care and provision. When we worry about what’s going to happen to our lives, what we're really saying is, “God, You can’t handle this. You’re either too weak, uninterested, unloving, or not smart enough to take care of my life. I’ve got to devote all my attention to sorting this situation out on my own.”

Rather than spending my days pursuing my own desires and worrying about my future, we need to be actively focusing our energies on God’s kingdom and His righteousness. Jesus said, “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).


Make a “Thank List.” List the ten things you are most thankful for. Your list might include God’s benefits to you (such as salvation or His Word or grace) along with your earthly blessings (family, friends, provisions).

Spend some time thanking God for everything on your list. This will help you to have faith that God really is in control and will help to focus your thoughts on His kindness rather than on what you think you still need.

Zuva 4Zuva 6

About this Plan

Overcoming Fear, Worry, and Anxiety

Fear is our response to perceived danger—it’s meant to help keep us safe. But sometimes, fear can control us in ways God didn’t intend. These devotionals walk you through Scripture, where God speaks directly into your fears. Reflecting on your own life in light of God’s Word, you will grow faith in Him as the true source of peace and the answer to all your fears.
