Who Was Jesus?Chikamu

Who Was Jesus?

DAY 4 OF 4

Who is Jesus? He’s the Messiah who came to rescue the world from evil by giving His life. He’s God, the creator and sustainer of life and the conqueror of death. Jesus comes to share His life with us.

Life has a purpose. Vines are planted and tended for a reason: someone wants some grapes. Fields are cultivated for a reason: the farmer wants a harvest. Trees bear fruit. Human lives have a purpose too, but we’re supposed to bear a different kind of fruit.

In the opening chapters of the Bible, God creates humanity in His image. The fruit humans are purposed to bear is the image of God. In a letter to the church in Colossae, Paul describes the image of the Creator as compassionate, kind, humble, meek, patient, forgiving, and loving.

The meaning of human life is to physically display the glorious character of God. If we could paint a picture with our lives, it should be a picture of who God is. But the picture painted by humanity is stained with lust, selfishness, malice and lies. We don’t live the life we were created for.

But Jesus did. Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the exact representation of His likeness. He perfectly displays the image of God. He lived life to the full, bearing a harvest of selfless love. Jesus came so that we could live this way too, and He offers us His own life so that we can do it.

Jesus is the vine; we’re the branches. Imagine a healthy vine covered in grapes. That’s Jesus. He’s like a plant that’s been cut open so that wilting branches can be grafted in and saved. A branch that’s lost its connection to the vine won’t bear any fruit; it’ll wither and die and be burnt as firewood. We’re not able to live the life we were created for apart from the One who sustains that life.

Receiving life from Jesus isn’t something we do once and then stop. Branches are always in the vine. Jesus offers us His life all the time. What keeps you from receiving life from Jesus? Are you willing to do something about that obstacle?

Thanks for completing this plan with us. If you want to keep discovering Jesus with us, keep an eye out for the next plans in this series: Did Jesus Really Exist?, What About Suffering?, Is There An Afterlife? , and What is the Purpose of My Life? You can also check the Discover Jesus podcast for more thoughts about answering these questions.

Zuva 3

About this Plan

Who Was Jesus?

Who was Jesus? In our modern imaginations sometimes He appears as a teacher with good advice, a revolutionary who sticks it to the Empire, or as a relaxed friend who wants us to take it easy. But these caricatures are far from the truth. Join us in this four-day plan as we explore Jesus: Messiah, sacrifice, God and giver of life.
