Chasing Donkeys: What to Do When God Redirects Your StepsChikamu

Chasing Donkeys: What to Do When God Redirects Your Steps

DAY 3 OF 5

Clarify the Vision

“Limit your field of view and you will see more.” - Former Navy Seal, Rourke Denver

After you have anchored your life with prayer and feel like God is still preparing you for a new chapter, you need to gain as much clarity as you can for the moment you are in, not for the moment you feel is coming.

Too often we feel like we’re not qualified to pursue what God has put on our hearts, but as this classic phrase reminds us, God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called. In other words, we can’t allow any assumed limitations to keep us from moving toward the next step. We must get clear on what God is actually calling us to pursue. We can’t allow ourselves to second-guess what God is doing. As the opening quote implies, you need to limit your field of view in order to gain clarity around the vision God is stirring up within your soul.

Here’s a simple question: What is it you would be willing to attempt for God without any hesitation if you knew you would not fail? Seriously, what is it? Write it down. Type your response into a note on your phone. Get it out of your head and write it on paper or type it on a screen. Whatever you do, don’t disqualify the vision based on how “insignificant” you might think it is. Find encouragement from the prophet Zechariah when he shared, Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin… (Zechariah 4:10)

Before Daniel ended up in a den of lions, he established his own influence with a gift for interpreting dreams with great accuracy. On one occasion he had his own dream and when he woke up, he wrote it down. This is one step to gaining clarity around the vision that is resting on our hearts.

Another key step is to invite the input of other trusted people in your life. Consider them as “trusted advisors” on your journey. If you’re a Lord of the Rings fan, they are your personal Council of Elrond that you can use for outside input, discretion, and cautions. Proverbs 15:22 tells us plainly: Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers, they succeed.

Who can you invite into your personal journey who will give you honest feedback and help you make sound decisions? You need advisors who will fight for your highest good, even when that means having a challenging conversation. Give heed to the wisdom of Proverbs 27:12 which says, An open rebuke is better than hidden love!...Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy.


Write down the most distracting things in your life at the moment. What would you really attempt for the glory of God if you knew you would not fail? (Write it down) Who can you share this with? Ask them for some time to process it with you and pray for you.


Heavenly Father, help me to recognize those things in my life that are pulling me away from knowing you more intimately. As I grow closer to You, give me the confidence to trust Your power more than I trust my own ability. As you are working in my life, show me someone who I can share this with.

Zuva 2Zuva 4

About this Plan

Chasing Donkeys: What to Do When God Redirects Your Steps

Do you ever find yourself wandering through life without any sense of purpose or direction? Are you like King Saul, out "chasing donkeys" and getting frustrated? In this 5-day Bible Plan based on the book by the same title, author and speaker Dwayne Morris shares four practical strategies to gain clarity that will help you move toward God’s plan and not away from it.
