Acts: Go & Be Chapters 10-18Chikamu

Acts: Go & Be Chapters 10-18

DAY 11 OF 30

What is this passage saying?

After being chosen by God and sent out by the Church of Jerusalem- Paul and Barnabas begin their missionary journey in the town of Seleucia. Seleucia was Barabas’ hometown (John MacArthur Study Bible). Paul and Barnabas begin to preach the Word of God in the Jewish Synagogues first. As they are preaching a Jewish sorcerer named Bar-Jesus, meaning Son of Jesus (Tony Evans Commentary) “He (Bar-Jesus) was a sorcerer and Jewish False prophet, having mixed Jewish religion with pagan practices.” (Tony Evans Commentary). This false prophet was friends with Seleucia’s Proconsul who was an intelligent man. A Proconsul was a Roman official who served as provincial governor. (John MacArthur Study Bible) The proconsul called for Paul and Barnabas because he wanted to hear the word of God. This did not please the false prophet and he tried to turn the governor away from the faith. As we have seen throughout the book of Acts- you have no chance of success when you try to stand in the way of the Word of God. This didn’t worry Paul at all, being fully convinced of the power of God, and certain that this false prophet was sinning against God, silenced this false prophet. Verses 9-11 are just fantastic: let's read them again. “Then Saul, who is also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him and said, ‘O full of all deceit and all fraud, you son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, will not you cease perverting the straight ways of the Lord? And now, indeed the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you shall be blind, not seeing the sun for a time.” When you are fully reliant on the power of God- nothing will cause you to waver. His strength is unmatched. This passage finishes by stating that the governor believed and was astonished by the teaching of the Lord.

What is this passage teaching?

What we all need to learn in the Book of Acts- is highlighted in this miraculous moment, and it's that man is no match for God. This seems like a “duh” statement, but look at the social media profiles of Christians: we are so frazzled by the world... any type of opposition- whether we post a scathing status update complaining about unfair treatment, or we cower away- silently submitting. Now I realize this is a generalization, there are many other responses, and many Christians get it right. I am also not suggesting we go around striking our enemies with blindness. What I am suggesting, and feel convicted to do, is to be bold in the face of adversity. It certainly should not surprise us, Jesus told us it was going to happen- it happened to Him, are we greater than our Master? The thought processes of this world are sinful. Unsaved people do bad things. We have first-hand experience with this truth- when you were unsaved you did bad things. Now of course we as Christians should be angry at sin- it is the very thing that cost the life of our Savior. We should flee sin in all areas of our life. We cannot tolerate sin. Additionally, we have been saved by the blood of Jesus, we are filled by the Holy Spirit- sin has lost- Jesus has won. Nothing that happens on earth can alter this truth. Jesus’ victory is sure and will never be contested. Walk in freedom and excitement brother and sister. The opposition has an expiration date and will always have to submit to the authority of our God. “If God is for me, who can be against me?” Romans 8:31 Finally, the Gospel works. It is still saving people, be sure of its power and share it!

How do I respond?

Pursue intimacy with the Lord. Love Him more today than you did yesterday. Fill your life with Him. The more we know Him the less we fear.

Zuva 10Zuva 12

About this Plan

Acts: Go & Be Chapters 10-18

In this 21-day "journey" through Acts chapters 10-18, you will begin to see that the Book of Acts is not merely an account of what happened, but rather what is still happening, to this day, around the world! You will get to see the power of the Holy Spirit on display in the lives of the men and women who followed Jesus back then and recognize and appreciate the Holy Spirit's continued presence and power today.
