Worship Is Our HonourChikamu

Worship Is Our Honour

DAY 4 OF 5

A Life of Praise

Every culture on the planet has some kind of musical expression. Every generation is inspired by artists who capture hearts and minds through music. Music is somehow woven into the essence of what it means to be human. Songs express our identity, they give us words for our hopes and a melody for our pain, they inspire us with new perspectives and add conviction to what we believe. And the songs that pass our lips are inextricably linked to our worship.

We can’t possibly talk about worship without meditating on the importance of cultivating a heart filled with praise and thanksgiving.

The first song in the Bible occurs in Exodus 15, where Moses (and his sister Miriam) leads Israel in worshipping the God who had just rescued them from slavery through an awe-inspiring miracle. It’s a song birthed out of the joy of salvation, and it declares the goodness of God and the greatness of His power.

Time and time again throughout God’s Word we see that when God does great things for His people, they respond with songs of praise, with joy and dancing and celebration. Whenever God is doing something we see praise and worship rise up in the hearts of His people. And of course it should, is there any more appropriate way to celebrate our God? He is the giver of every good gift, the One who comforts and sustains our souls, our ever-present help in trouble, our refuge and Redeemer. His praise should ever be on our lips.

The Worth of God

And yet this is a mind-bending mystery. Somehow the self-sustaining, unchanging, all-knowing God is blessed by my praise. In fact this is a central part of what we were made for - to exalt the name of our God, to lift high His glory and declare His praises. God, in His unsearchable wisdom, has given us breath in our lungs so that we can proclaim His worth. We get the honour of joining with all creation to sing out the wonder and perfection of our God.

When Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday the enthusiasm of the crowds offended the religious leaders of the day. They wanted Jesus to shut down the excited and expectant praise that was being poured out, because they had no revelation of who he was. If they’d realised who was in front of them they would’ve seen the beauty and richness of his Kingdom, and they would’ve joined with the crowds calling out his worth.

The Song of Heaven

In chapter 4 and 5 of the book of Revelation we see John’s vision of heaven’s throne room. And it’s worth noticing what the creatures and the elders are praising God for - in fact these twin themes should dominate all our praise and thanksgiving. The song of heaven is focused on the wonder of ‘Creation’ and the beauty of ‘Salvation’.

God is worthy to receive all glory and honour and power because He created all things, and by His will we exist and have our being. That’s worth meditating on, it’s amazing, but it’s kind of surpassed by the wonder of what Jesus has done. By his death (the lamb that was slain) Jesus began a new creation. By his obedience and faithfulness we have been saved and welcomed into God’s family. We belong to Him, and we have been given the gift of His presence and power.

It’s only appropriate that we give God our best. Our best worship, our best praise, our best attention and adoration. Only He is worthy.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What am I most thankful for about who God is and what He’s done in my life?
  2. How much could I describe praise as a ‘pattern of life’ for me?
  3. What do I get most excited about? How does the wonder of Creation and Salvation rate?
Zuva 3Zuva 5

About this Plan

Worship Is Our Honour

When we talk about 'Worship Is Our Honour,' we’re talking about the dynamics of how our relationship with God is to be. Our worship is all about trusting that every promise of God is reliable and sufficient; trusting that the one who offers us hope and love, will meet our every need; leaning into our generous and attentive heavenly Father. Join us for this 5-day devotional diving into the importance of Worship in growing our relationship & trust of God.
