Jumpstart True WorshipChikamu

Jumpstart True Worship

DAY 4 OF 7


Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14)

Guided meditation seems to be the new craze these days. But what is it? From a secular perspective, guided meditation is derived from eastern philosophy. It is the act of allowing a “guide” to lead you into a state of “self-discovery” by vocally painting scenery and scenarios of places for you to imagine yourself. Guided meditation mentally takes the recipient to a place where one may connect to nature or the universe. Often, the instructor will insert a character into the scenario who can help you—a wise counselor, a healer, a confidant. The character is inserted to help you identify what you need, whether spiritual, emotional, or physical.

Meditation from a Biblical perspective is quite different. Is it possible for someone to guide you into a Scripturally-based form of meditation? The first Psalm reveals that meditating on God’s law day and night is an attribute of a blessed person. The Hebrew word “meditate” means to ponder, utter, study, or imagine. God-ordained meditation fills the mind with thoughts that invoke a hunger for understanding Scripture. Biblically-based meditation takes place when one visualizes applying passages personally. It is the act of studying to become more acquainted with God’s Word and how the Word can transform one’s life.

Today, the Lord Himself desires to guide you into meditation. He wants the words of your mouth and the meditation of your heart to be acceptable to Him. William Augusto’s instrumental worship music, “Soaking in His presence,” sets the perfect stage to do just that. If you let God guide you in meditating on His Word, your ability to hear Him when He speaks will become more prevalent and evident in your life. Will you let Him guide you?


First, select a passage of Scripture from what you’ve read today—preferably one that resonates with you in this season of your life. Next, visualize the text playing out in your situation. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you create a mental image of the passage’s meaning in the context in which it was written, along with its present-day application. Consider searching for other Scriptures that shed more light on your chosen verses to get a clearer picture. Once you have a clear image in your mind’s eye, ask yourself, “How is God using what I see to speak to my situation?” Then, picture God’s answer being applied directly to your need.

Now, what do you see?

Zuva 3Zuva 5

About this Plan

Jumpstart True Worship

Jump-Start True Worship will strengthen your walk with God by invoking intimate, intentional communion. This plan will help transform your mindset through increased engagement with God. In it, you’ll learn the difference between religious rituals and the Biblical definition of true worship. It also contains five daily devotions that provoke deliberate interaction with God and self-introspection, thus promoting spiritual growth.
