How to Pray for MissionariesChikamu

How to Pray for Missionaries

DAY 6 OF 6

For Language Aptitude and Cultural Proficiency

The Apostle Paul was a Jewish scholar, educated in Greek literature, and a Roman citizen. He was skilled in language and culture, and those advantages helped him to be one of the most effective missionaries in church history.

Yet, he still asked for prayer that he could proclaim the gospel clearly (Colossians 4:4), and he exhorted his prayer supporters to “be wise,” to “make the most of every opportunity,” and to ensure that their conversations with unbelievers would “be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that [they] may know how to answer everyone” (Colossians 4:5-6).

What an important thing to pray for a missionary! Missionaries are always learning something new in their host culture—some custom, or story or viewpoint—that can help them communicate God’s Word more clearly. They also have to keep learning the language, or languages, of their host culture—new words and expressions, clear pronunciation, and correct grammar. It is a constant challenge, but proficiency in language and culture are important tools that influence the effectiveness of their ministries. Today we will pray for their language aptitude and their cultural proficiency in the context of personal relationships so that they can fulfill their ministry to clearly teach the mystery of Christ—something that cannot be understood without someone clearly explaining it (Romans 10:14-15). That is the task and joy of the missionary!


We know that these prayer requests are within the will of God because God’s Word provides these prayer topics. Prayer is one of the most important ways that any believer, or local church, can support a missionary team and missionary family. Consider writing these six prayer topics on a notecard, along with the Bible verse where each is found, and keeping it on your refrigerator or in your paper Bible. Pray together with your local church body or your family at home (or in online prayer meetings) and use these biblical prayer topics to lift up missionaries and their ministries before the Lord of the harvest!

Sean Christensen is a leader and trainer with World Team, a global mission organization. He and his family lived in Haiti for 12 years where he taught the New Testament at the Evangelical Theological College of Light (FTEL).

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About this Plan

How to Pray for Missionaries

How do we get beyond simply praying, “Lord, bless those missionaries"? The New Testament actually tells us what to pray for missionaries. In fact, the authors of the New Testament were missionaries! Pastor Sean Christensen, World Team missionary and Bible professor, guides us through five missionary prayer requests that Paul asked for and one that Paul and John mentioned. This plan is useful both individually or in a prayer group.
