The Night Jesus Was Born: Behind the ScenesChikamu

The Night Jesus Was Born: Behind the Scenes

DAY 1 OF 4


We all know what happened on the night of Jesus’ birth, right? Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem, and when they arrived, there was no room for them at the local inn, so they found a stable where Mary gave birth and laid Jesus in a manger.

But that’s not exactly accurate. For one thing, Mary probably didn’t give birth to Jesus the same night they arrived. Luke 2:6 says, “And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.” In Greek, when the word “days” is used in the plural, it refers to the literal “days.”

So why didn’t Joseph use those days to find better lodging? Remember, he came from Bethlehem, so he probably had family or friends there, plus Mary’s relatives Zechariah and Elizabeth lived close by in Judah (Luke 1:39). Why not stay with relatives?

Scholars who’ve examined both the Greek and the culture of the times agree that Mary didn’t give birth the same night and that they were likely taken in by local residents, probably family.

Then there’s the deal about “no room.” Luke 2:7 says, “and she [Mary] gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn.” Scholars agree that the wording there, “no room,” really means there was “no space.” In other words, the guest room was already full, probably with people returning for Caesar’s tax registration (Luke 2:1-4) or for the festival being held. So they lodged in the common room of the house.

And about that manger, It was common in those days to bring animals into the house at night – so they wouldn’t get stolen and to add heat. So when the Bible says Jesus was laid in a manger because there was no space in the guest room, it meant He was probably born in the common room, where the family and animals stayed. The manger would’ve had clean straw and been the perfect size for Him, keeping Him warm and protected. (Much like when I used a dresser drawer to hold my first-born son!)

Also: the shepherds knew from the angels that this was the promised Messiah. If they thought He was being mistreated, they would’ve immediately stepped in. But instead, they left to go spread the good news, knowing the baby was well cared for.

So when we look behind the scenes to the night Jesus was born, we see it was considerably different than common fables. It’s so important to be sure we believe the truth from God's Word and not just tradition because that's the way we've always heard it!


Zuva 2

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The Night Jesus Was Born: Behind the Scenes

The Bible tells the wonderful story of Jesus' birth – but what was happening behind the scenes? Have we added to the story? Believed things that aren't true? Let’s take a look at scholars’ further scrutiny of God’s Word and into the customs of the times to learn even more about the cast of characters and our Savior’s entrance into the world on that amazing night.
