Think and Grow WiseChikamu

Think and Grow Wise

DAY 4 OF 7

As you begin to Think and Grow Wise, #4 is imagination.

In the film It’s a Wonderful Life, George Bailey is the oldest son and a dreamer.

George pays his dues working for his father at the family business, but he longs to “see the world.”

You really see his passion for this idea in a scene where George is awaiting his brother’s return from the war.

George and his Uncle Billy are standing at the train station when George asks his uncle, “what are the three most exciting sounds in the world?”

His Uncle Billy responds with, “I don’t know.”

George says, “anchor chains, plane motors, and train whistles.”

George’s imagination to see the world was everything. He could see it and was living it out in his mind.

This is what you may remember about your imagination when you were younger or when it was more alive in your life.

I wonder where your imagination is taking you today?

Do you still have that wonder and awe to feed your imagination, or has life eaten it away from you?

If you desire to Think and Grow Wise, your imagination must become awakened and alive. You must begin to feed it with everything you have.

I love what Albert Einstein had to say about imagination, “logic will get you from point A to point B, but imagination will take you everywhere.”

The scriptures say it like this, “with God, all things are possible.”

This is where you say to yourself, “how can I have all my imaginations made possible?”

Simply put, you have to become aware of your imaginations and their origins.

Everything you imagine will either be connected to your ego or connected to God.

How do you know if it’s ego or God?

You first have to remember what the scriptures say in Matthew 6:24, “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”

Another verse to help bring wisdom is Luke 10:27, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”

If you want the right image (or imagination) for your life, get connected to the original image creator. Genesis 1:27.

Until you get fully connected to the image creator, you will be bombarded with what your ego desires for your life.

How do you know if your ego is controlling your imagination?

Let me give you a few clues that your ego doesn’t want you to know.

  1. Your ego says, “I am what I do.”
  2. Your ego says, “I am what I have (possessions).”
  3. Your ego says, “I am what other people think of me.”
  4. Your ego says, “I am separate from others.”
  5. Your ego says, “I am separate from all that is missing in my life.”
  6. Your ego says, “I am separate from God.”

My challenge to you as you Think and Grow Wise is to sit down and ask yourself some hard questions. Here are a few below.

What are you avoiding that you know you need to do?
What has God shown you that you don’t want to accept?
What are you connected to, God or your ego?
What matters more to you, God or your ego?
What is consuming your thoughts, God, or your ego?
What do you know you need to do right now?
What do you want God to do in your life right now?
What roadblocks are in your way to connecting to God (the Image Creator)?
When will you begin connecting with God (Set a date and time)?

If you want your imagination (your image) to change, it’s time to change your inputs. You know what you need to do.

I am rooting for you.

I am praying with you.

I believe your imagination is becoming aligned with every possibility from God. Nothing is impossible with God.

Love - Coach Anthony Thompson

About this Plan

Think and Grow Wise

Embrace true riches and wisdom in what God says about your thinking (Day 1), beliefs (Day 2), imagination (Day 4), and you won’t want to miss “The Ghosts of Fear (Day 7). Choose today to Think and Grow Wise.
