A Saviour Born to the World of SportChikamu

A Saviour Born to the World of Sport

DAY 4 OF 4

Isn’t ‘peace’ a wonderful word?

You know what it means to be at peace with an opponent, the umpire, a coach and teammates. You know what that feels like because at some point you’ve felt and experienced the opposite – enmity, animosity, hostility.

You even know what it means to be at war with yourself.

The battle rages within. Anger flares up at the times when the body’s function doesn’t match the mind's will.

A mis-directed pass, a loss of concentration, a mis-timed tackle can all have serious consequences and affect the outcome of the result. You can’t believe you’ve messed up like you have!

But you also know what relative peace within looks like. A satisfaction that you’ve done your best or that you’ve made a significant contribution to the game.

What is Isaiah pointing to when he names Jesus the “Prince of Peace?”

"For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
Isaiah 9:6

The basic meaning of the word “peace” here is to be whole or complete. The idea is that Jesus himself is the complete man, perfectly rounded and at one with God, his Father. As a Prince, he administers these benefits and brings this status to his people.

At the moment you trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins, he reconciles you back to your creator God. For your selfishness and self-centred ambition had made you an enemy of God, an enemy that rightfully deserves the good judgement of God. A judgement which means an eternity without the touch of the kind heart of the God of love.

There was nothing that you could do about it - so far in your sin had you strayed.

Perhaps you remember when life without Jesus was miserable and relentless in its restlessness? Maybe you’re in that place even now. You’re still an enemy of God and you know it.

The Prince, sent by the Father, has come to bring a full restoration and reconciliation of relationship between God and man forever. This is full and perfect happiness and peace with God and with yourself. Granted, that’s not always felt in the humdrum of life and in the heat of sporting battle. So, it’s good to constantly remind yourself of the work of Jesus and rest in the knowledge that you are perfectly safe from the judgement of God.

If you’re a Christian playing sport, there is always a danger that your mind is full of thoughts that tip you back over into that life you used to live without Jesus – miserable with a relentless restlessness. You have thoughts that catapult you back into insecurity – around your ability, your significance or your acceptance.

“I’m not as good as people say I am.”

“Do others in my team value my contribution?”

“I don’t fit in here…or anywhere.”

These are crippling thoughts that the “Prince of Peace” has come to deal with.

With the New Year in view, remind yourself that your Saviour is the Prince of all Peace. He bids you to rest in him in absolute happiness and safety from his judgement, from the world around and from within. Rest in him and start the year with full assurance that you are his and he is yours!

Prayer for today

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the reminder this Christmas season of who you are. Help these wonderful truths we’ve been looking at, bring me peace and assurance.

Guard my mind and my heart from thoughts which drag me away from this gift of peace.

I thank you for the full restoration and reconciliation you have brought through the Lord Jesus. Help me to remember and delight in the work of the Lord Jesus and may it bring peace.

In your name,



Zuva 3