Christ as King: A Study in MatthewChikamu

Christ as King: A Study in Matthew

DAY 3 OF 28

What does it say?

John the Baptist prepared for Jesus’ coming by preaching repentance and baptizing. When John baptized Jesus, the Spirit descended, and God the Father spoke.

What does it mean?

John the Baptist courageously preached a radical message of repentance from sin. His ministry prepared God’s people for the Messiah, Jesus. Israel’s leaders thought being Jewish made them acceptable to God, but John preached that a change leading to different thinking and behavior was necessary. Only sorrow for sin can prepare hearts to receive the Savior. When Jesus came for baptism as the sinless Son of God, He identified with every repentant sinner who would be baptized with the Spirit. God the Father and God the Holy Spirit affirmed God the Son as He began His earthly mission.

How should I respond?

Calling for repentance from sin is as much a radical message today as it was in the first century. Have you repented of sin and personally received Jesus’ payment for your sin? When God convicts you of thoughts, words, or actions that are not Christ-like, do you defend yourself or agree with His assessment and confess it? Conviction of sin and repentance prepares the heart to receive Jesus as Savior. Continuing repentance enables you to maintain companionship with Him. What sin causes you sorrow? Will you make the radical choice and determine to turn from it today?

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About this Plan

Christ as King: A Study in Matthew

Matthew’s Gospel opens the New Testament by brilliantly introducing the culmination of the entire Old Testament story. After thousands of years and dozens of generations, Jesus had come “to save his people from their sins” (Mathew 1:21). Matthew focuses on Jesus as King of Kings, who had come to reign on the throne of David forever.
