Anchorage: The Storm of Anxiety | Part 3 of 8Chikamu

Anchorage: The Storm of Anxiety | Part 3 of 8

DAY 7 OF 7

Becoming Peace

When God asked Abraham to leave his land and his father’s household and follow Him into a new land, that was just the first of many steps that Abraham had to take in faith to reach the destiny that God had planned for him. Because of that one step of obedience, he went on to become the father of many nations; even paving the way for the birth of the Messiah several generations later, who is the Prince of Peace.

As you honor the will of God and take these small but consequential steps in trusting His guidance, He’ll reveal swiftly that his yoke is indeed easy and his burden is light. Like Abraham, we begin to pave a way for the Prince of Peace. Every step we take in trusting Him reveals more of His character, and that in turn transforms our character. We become more like Him, and the gospel of peace treads in our every step. No longer do we leave a path of anxiety behind us, but become ministers of reconciliation. Being deeply touched by the peace of God, we exude it through our words, actions, and blessings towards others. We become the opposite of what we struggled with at first. Sometimes the people who struggle with anxiety the most become the hugest testimony and resemblance of the peace of God. He does that, He can do that, and He will do that through you.

Does this mean that wherever we go will be void of hostility and anxiety? The answer is no. Jesus himself suffered hatred and persecution while on this earth and his believers can expect the same during their lifetime. His indwelling peace does not guarantee a problem-free existence, but rather the assurance of His ever-present peace that has the power to calm a storm.


There are undoubtedly moments where God has used your life to bring peace to a situation. As you get to walk with Him more, take note of these moments. Be encouraged that the Prince of Peace is more than willing to use you as a minister of His gospel of peace. Dream with Jesus for a moment on what it looks like for you to be a minister of reconciliation in your sphere of influence, and sketch down these thoughts as you chat with Him.

Featured Author: Jessica Elsa Shabu | India

Zuva 6

About this Plan

Anchorage: The Storm of Anxiety | Part 3 of 8

‘Anchorage: The Storm of Anxiety’ is designed to inspire individuals, small groups, and families to navigate mental health and wellness topics. This seven-day plan incorporates character discussions, reflective questions, and prayers to help participants explore biblical examples of peace. Choose this plan to discover how these realities help us victoriously overcome the storms of life.
