Unshakable: Living Faithfully Through the Tough Seasons of LifeChikamu

Unshakable: Living Faithfully Through the Tough Seasons of Life

DAY 7 OF 7

Unshakable // Doing Life In Community

We’re created to do life in community. Jesus modeled it with his disciples - they traveled together and discovered just how relational the Kingdom of God is meant to be. In the book of Acts, we get to read about how the early church shared everything in common and experienced God’s presence in powerful ways. It’s no different for us. We thrive when our church experience is one of feeling valued and loved - being part of a community where others share our desire to follow Jesus. I’m sure your best memories of Church are all connected to healthy and encouraging relationships.

The problem is that tough times can greatly impact the quality of our connection. If we’re not paying attention, our hearts can gradually harden. We can lose sight of how good it is to belong to a community of believers. Paul warns the Thessalonians about the different ways that can play out. In the last section of his letter, he basically identifies a range of bad attitudes that we’re all vulnerable to.

In tough times we need to be reminded to honor our leaders. Good leaders work hard in their ministry, provide us with direction and encouragement, and are willing to bring correction when appropriate. They’ve been given influence for our good, so we need to make sure we don’t let any kind of critical spirit creep in. Paul sets a high bar here - he tells us to respect them and to protect them and their reputation. We don't try to undermine them in any way; instead, we love them by supporting their leadership.

The same principle applies to all our relationships - we're called to live at peace with every believer. This is all about emotional maturity. God wants to grow our capacity to relate to others positively, no matter where they’re at. We should love those who aren’t ‘all-in’ by inviting them to start a conversation about why. We should gently encourage those with weary hearts and support those who are struggling. Every relationship is an opportunity to practice patience and forgiveness because we all say and do things that aren’t great at times, and yet God still loves us.

Our attitude to being part of our local church community is the common thread right through this final section of the letter. Like the Thessalonians, we need to pursue a soft heart - towards leaders and others. We also need to stay soft towards God - open to the prophetic, hungry for more of His presence, expectant - knowing that He has plans for us. Sometimes that’s the biggest challenge, to see things from God’s perspective; choosing to rejoice even when we don’t feel like it; praying even when it feels pointless; and… remembering all the things we’re thankful for, even when there is a lot we would change if we could.

The Christians in Thessalonica were a source of enormous encouragement for Paul and the wider church because they were unshakable. Given the persecution and suffering they were going through, it can almost feel a bit insensitive for Paul to make a list of the things they need to grow in. But he wants them to discover more of God’s power and presence right in the middle of their hardship. He wants them to pay attention to the state of their hearts and to let what they believe shape every relationship. God wants every one of us to do life in community, so we can discover a deeper experience of His life transforming ours. He makes all the difference. You can face whatever storms you might be going through right now because “the One who calls you is faithful.” Your life will prove it.

  1. Do my local church leaders know I respect them? Would they feel like I support them?
  2. Right now, who is the hardest person for me to be patient with and forgiving towards?
  3. What do I enjoy doing that helps me to draw closer to God? How do I make space for that?
Zuva 6

About this Plan

Unshakable: Living Faithfully Through the Tough Seasons of Life

Join us for a journey through the book of 1 Thessalonians. This book is considered the earliest letter written in the New Testament, and Paul writes to the Church he planted, encouraging them in their faith to remain unshakeable. Have you ever felt shaken by the tough seasons of life? We pray this devotion will strengthen you, giving you an unshakable faith.
