Bearing Fruit in Your Home(school)Chikamu

Bearing Fruit in Your Home(school)

DAY 2 OF 5

The Vineyard

As we discuss bearing fruit in our homeschool, we may wonder where we, as the homeschool mom, fit into this fruit-bearing process. How can we first bear fruit in our own lives?

For these answers, let’s travel to a vineyard.

Because vines grow on the ground and produce more leaves than fruit, they need a vinedresser who takes care of the vines. Without this care, the leaves grow in such abundance that they block the sun, preventing the grapes from ever ripening.

To be certain, the purpose of these vineyards is to bear fruit. But notice, without the care of the vinedresser, they would produce very little. It has been noted that the healthiest vine is not the one with the greenest leaves but rather the one that bears the fruit.

As we watch over the ways of our household, specifically in the context of bearing fruit, it begs the question: is there an abundance of leaves at the expense of good fruit? Is there anything preventing the sun from ripening the fruit of our homeschools, such as jam-packed schedules, being over-committed, or being too lax in our daily disciplines?

If so, remember the vinedresser’s care, watchful eye, and daily involvement to ensure a successful crop.

Not only is the vinedresser’s job to plant, water, and fertilize, but his job is to care for the vines and enable them to become fruitful. He knows where to prune, what to remove, and how best to allow the sun to ripen the fruit to ensure the tiny grapes’ growth.

What does this have to do with us, you may be wondering? Everything!

Based upon John 15, we have a Gardener who is attentive, wise, faithful, and loving in the Father.

You may simply be trying to stay afloat. Perhaps you have entered what seems to be the most challenging homeschool year yet. You don’t know how to “get by,” let alone “be fruitful.” Know this: the last thing I want is for you to feel like there is more on your to-do list, more you have to “accomplish.” These lessons from the vineyard are for you, my friend. You have a Gardener of your soul who is tender and nurturing daily, watchful, present, and faithful.

Overwhelmed and overstressed moms, it is not our effort that will produce fruit but His life in us - and our abiding in Him - that will allow us to bear much fruit.

Let the Gardener of your soul do what only He can do. He cares for you like no other, and He knows how to take care of you.

Separated from Him, we can do nothing. But connected, united to Him, we will bear fruit. The key? Abiding in Christ - Christ in us and us in Christ produces fruit in our lives as a result of His life in us.

Zuva 1Zuva 3

About this Plan

Bearing Fruit in Your Home(school)

How do you describe a successful homeschool year? In this five-day plan, we travel to the watchtower, vineyard, olive grove, and farm to learn important lessons to ensure a successful year - and a fruitful one. We conclude our travels by visiting the home, where we consider practical ways to cultivate an environment for growth in both our children and us.
