Confidence for the New YearChikamu

Confidence for the New Year

DAY 5 OF 5

A Christian can hate?

God knows everything. God is everywhere. God can do anything. But he is more. He is also holy. David wrote: “Do I not hate those who hate you, Lord? . . . Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:21,23,24).

It sounds odd, doesn’t it? To hear a Christian talking about hating? How could someone who knows the love that God has for them ever talk about hating? When we know that sin destroys souls and that Jesus suffered death to pay for our brokenness, the better question is, “How could we not hate sin?”

No matter who you are, you do not have to wonder what God’s will for you is in the year to come. Hate the wrongdoings of your past. Hate the way they have been a rebellion against God and the way they have brought pain to others in your life. Hate your brokenness, and as much as you do that, never forget what God did about it. Never forget that Jesus has already paid the price for those sins. Never forget that Jesus has freed you from them. Never forget that because of Jesus, you can win the battle against them. Never forget that because of Jesus, you can pray to God, absolutely certain that he doesn’t see any sin in you anymore. Remember that, and it will be a blessed new year!

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