Waiting by the Brook: Learning to Wait Patiently on GodChikamu

Waiting by the Brook: Learning to Wait Patiently on God

DAY 10 OF 10

Brook Experiences and the Christian Journey

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31, KJV

Waiting experiences come to us all at some time and often multiple times during our life journey. As I have talked with other Christians, I have recognized this common positioning. Many find themselves waiting to get married, waiting to have children, or pursuing higher education, praying for healing for themselves or others, praying for their children to return to God, praying for financial resources, and even for emotional healing. Some are waiting in line for job promotions, yet, they continue to be ignored or marginalized not because they lack qualifications or competence but often because the system is unjust and/or stacked against them. Some others pray that God will clarify the next steps towards their life work.

My own experiences and that of so many other Bible characters like Elijah illustrate that we will occupy waiting spaces in our relationship with God —metaphorically “the brook.” These experiences are not reserved for Christians alone. In His great love for us, God allows moments of intervention and rest for us to recalibrate our life journey.

A brook experience is a rescuing spot; it is a place where we are ideally situated to look up. However, this is also a perplexing spot. It is a place of seeming contradictions. It is here that we are challenged to accept that what we see is not what is really before us. This ability to see what cannot be seen is the purest definition of faith:

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see“ (Hebrews 11:1, NIV).

We are challenged when we might be at our lowest point emotionally to refocus the lens and see that where we are positioned is not an ending but the beginning of a mountain top ascension. It is not a place of punishment but of preparation for more effective service. It is not a place of resignation—not our final destination but a resting spot on the way to a higher purpose and calling. Finally, it is not a place that calls us to helpless acceptance of our fate. It is a gracious invitation by the Creator to involve us, His creation, in the exciting process of mission fulfillment.

Whatever your brook experience, know that God will fulfill His promise and call on your life. Continue to wait on the Lord.

Reflect: How has your relationship with God developed through past brook experiences. What are some of the things you have learned about the waiting experience?

About the Author

To Learn More About Kathy Hernandez, visit her website here. To learn more about waiting patiently on God, please check out the Waiting by the Brook: Seven Steps to Deeper Intimacy with God book and guided journal set available on Amazon.


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About this Plan

Waiting by the Brook: Learning to Wait Patiently on God

Have you been waiting on God for something He has promised you? Are you getting tired of waiting? Far from being a state of inactivity, the waiting period is one of the most active periods of the Christian journey. Join me as we explore the challenges we face in waiting patiently on God and learn how to embrace the necessary mind shift to benefit from our waiting seasons.
