Love Your Life Not TheirsChikamu

Love Your Life Not Theirs

DAY 8 OF 8

Day 8
Habit 7: Give a Little... Until You Can Give a Lot

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV)

Giving changes you—for the better.

Let's be honest, it's not that hard to be selfish. Thinking only of ourselves comes pretty naturally to us. Plus, we live in a culture that demands instant gratification. Being generous just isn't normal.

But even though giving might feel like an uphill battle at first, it really does make your life so much better. Givers aren't just happier people. They also live with a sense of purpose and fulfillment!

Giving isn't just about feeling good, though. It's about acknowledging who we are and—more important—who God is.

See, the Bible says that God owns it all (Psalm 24:1). Since He's the owner, we are the managers, using His blessings for His glory. Giving reminds us that we don't accumulate stuff just so we can fill our garage and a few storage units.

It's okay to have stuff, as long as your stuff doesn't have you. We've got to remember that the real goal for building wealth really isn't about us. It's about leaving a measurable and meaningful mark on the people around you.

Paul told the believers in Corinth that God loves a cheerful giver. You might not be able to give a lot right now, but you can give something. So, start right where you are—even when things are tight or you're working your way out of debt.

Loving your life includes learning generosity. So, give a little now until you can give a lot more later on.


Find extra money in just two weeks when you sign up for my 14-Day Money Finder challenge. The average person who takes the challenge finds $2,000 for the year.

Zuva 7

About this Plan

Love Your Life Not Theirs

We all have habits. Some are good, and others are not-so-good. But one thing's for sure: They affect every area of our lives - including our money. Over the next eight days, Rachel Cruze will guide you through seven money habits that can change your life - and your family tree - for years to come. Based on her book, Love Your Life, Not Theirs, these devotions will encourage you to stop comparing your life to the unrealistic world of social media and to start developing the kind of smart money habits that will help you find contentment in the life God's given you.
