

DAY 1 OF 5


Every time I visited my family, my grandpa would pull me aside to give some unsolicited advice. Usually, it was something like “make sure you work hard,” “develop your talents,” or “fear God and read the Bible.” I was never sure if he thought I wasn’t working hard enough, talented enough, or fearing God enough, but I knew that he had good intentions. What I realized over time was all the advice he gave came from a desire to impart wisdom. He wanted to pass along the nuggets of wisdom he had gained over the course of his life to the younger generations in the family so that we would live better lives.

When we read the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon gives us a similar impression. Though the book seems pessimistic on the surface, the wisdom it offers is invaluable as Solomon shows us his multi-faceted pursuit of meaning in life. He was king over a thriving kingdom, held court with the most famous celebrities, built luxurious palaces, drank the finest wines, and had over 1,000 wives and concubines. Ultimately however, all of these pursuits left him empty as he declared them to be “vanity of vanities,” and trust me, he tried it all.

The wisdom within Ecclesiastes forces us to look in the mirror and truly analyze our motives for the things we pursue in life, whether that be careers, pleasure, wealth, etc. Solomon warns us that the pursuit of such things is like “striving after the wind,” meaning that they are fleeting and fruitless. Why is that? Because God has put eternity in our hearts and nothing less than eternal satisfaction at the hands of the Lord will ever be enough.

Thankfully, Solomon offers us a solution. We can find meaning and goodness in knowing God, working for his glory, and loving those God has placed in our lives. God certainly has placed good things in this world for us to enjoy, but ultimate joy and satisfaction are found only in Him. Those that are wise heed the wisdom of Ecclesiastes and order their lives accordingly. Our relationship with God becomes the source of all our joy and enables us to freely enjoy the rest without relying on them for ultimate satisfaction.


  1. When I consider how I spend my time, energy, and money, where am I hoping to find meaning and purpose in life?
Zuva 2

About this Plan


In Ecclesiastes, the author attempts to find meaning and purpose in life. As we read, we see anguish and regret over failed attempts at happiness through wealth, fame, and achievement. Ultimately, he realizes that the purpose of humanity is to know God and enjoy what God has given us. Only God can provide the fulfillment for which our hearts and souls long.
