Driven by PurposeChikamu

Driven by Purpose

DAY 1 OF 3

Danny's Story

Danny’s story is not necessarily one that is uncommon. In the modern western world, we often look to things like alcohol, drugs, sex, and career to distract us from the aching in our souls.

Like Danny, many try to live with these ‘crutches’ and, eventually, they all crumble. They were never meant to carry the full weight of our need for love. More specifically, our need for God’s love.

Danny had a radical experience with Jesus that caused him to turn his life around. Not all of us have that, we simply have this gnawing feeling that something is missing from this life.

In his words, Danny said:

“I chased after so many things to bring fulfilment. None of them did.”

The events that took place in Danny’s life that eventually led him back to the God he had given his life to as a young man somewhat resemble the life of a character in the Bible.

The Prodigal Son.

Pause right now and read Luke 15:11-32.

Isn’t it wonderful! The prodigal son, though he had squandered all his father’s wealth on reckless living, was embraced back as a son, as if he had never left.

Just as in Danny’s testimony, Pat Robertson said on the 700 Club, “you can come back if you’ve walked away.”

The first step towards finding and living with purpose is turning from the things that rob us of direction.

Enjoying alcohol, relationships, and your career responsibly are not bad things in and of themselves, but when they become your whole reason for going on, they can become destructive.

Turn to God – or back to God – and allow Him to fill your life with direction and purpose as you live in a relationship with Him.

Zuva 2

About this Plan

Driven by Purpose

In this three-day devotional, we will look at what it means to live with purpose. Aimless living is all too easy and is a sad waste of our precious lives. Why not take the next three days to unpack what it looks like to turn from the ways of the world, face God and begin to follow Jesus – on purpose.
