22 Days of PeaceChikamu

22 Days of Peace

DAY 2 OF 22

Double Peace

In a world full of uncertainty it can be easy to lose your peace. All it takes is a casual look at the news or finding higher bills in the mail to be put into a tailspin of anxiety and fear. But what if God didn’t just want to give you peace in these situations but double peace? Wouldn’t you want to have a greater level of peace? According to today’s scripture, you can. The original Hebrew of Isaiah 26:3 states “The mind that is on You is kept in ‘peace-peace’.” Any time you see something repeated in the scripture it means that there is an emphasis on that word. Many times you see this in the Psalms, the Proverbs, and even in the statements of Jesus in John’s gospel. It is almost like a hammer striking a nail twice or two people lifting a heavy object. In our scripture today the double peace comes from two places; our minds being on God and our trust in God. When your mind gets off of God then it will go to anything else that is calling for its attention. It could go to problems, pressures, cares, current events, or even sadness and depression. So in keeping your mind on God you are focusing on the One who is more powerful and able to handle all of the things we encounter in life. Not only that, when you trust God beyond knowing His ability it brings that double peace. It is one thing to have peace in knowing about God’s power but it is a much greater level of peace when we trust that God’s power is available to us! In your prayer time today, focus your mind on God. Think about His power; how He created everything, how there is no power greater than Him, how He has provided for everything we could encounter in this life. Then take those cares that are weighing you down and give them to God in prayer. Tell Him that you trust Him to take care of you in all these situations. Finally, praise God that you not only have peace but double peace!

Zuva 1Zuva 3

About this Plan

22 Days of Peace

Welcome to 22 Days of Peace! We all need peace in our lives, but the world is trying to rob us of it. Maybe you’ve been missing peace. Peace is a gift from God that He wants to give to you! Our prayer is that, as you go through this devotional, you will find the missing peace that you were looking for as God gives it to you.
