Follow Your CallingChikamu

Follow Your Calling

DAY 10 OF 12

Where to start?

The time has come: today is the tenth day of this plan, and if you haven't started yet, it's time for you to start moving in your calling. If you are already excited about it and want to understand your calling, well, that's just perfect! Please make sure you leave a comment or write me about it.

To get started, many are waiting for something special in their lives like an angel, or a voice from heaven, or some kind of sign - but this does not happen. I want to share a story with you.

"A ninety-year-old man passed away while waiting for God's will."

Walter Houston, who is described by people close to him as a deeply religious person, passed away on Monday, 70 years after waiting for God's revelation about what to do in life.

As reported by Ruby Houston, the deceased's wife, «he wandered around the house a lot and prayed a lot, but never got an answer. Sometimes it seemed to him that he heard God's voice, but then he began to doubt and again inquired about God's will. ».

Houston never understood the meaning of his life, but he felt he had to keep praying to hear what he should do to serve God. Several times, already intending to do something, he stopped, "unwilling to grieve God and in any way go against His will," Ruby said, "The most important thing for Walter was to be in God's will and he did his best to follow this conviction." According to friends, they liked Walter, although he looked like an unfulfilled person.

"Walter had several abilities that he never used in his life," - remembers his old friend Timothy Berners. "He was good at woodwork and he also was a good storyteller. I always told him: 'Take the risk. If you are unhappy, try something new', but he was still afraid to let the Lord down."

Friends paid tribute to Houston, noting that he worked as a handyman for almost all his life and was able to pay off the mortgage for the humble house in which he and his wife had lived their entire lives.

The story is taken from the book "Just Do Something" by Kevin DeYoung.

This is a fictional but very plausible story. You can wait all your life this way. It’s not for you, right? Let's get started today. God knew you from your very birth and has already put all your potential in you and the resources to fulfill your calling. You just need to discover them and learn to use them for God’s glory. Something tells me that you know how you would like to serve and what to do. Remove all fear and doubt. Think about what you love, what your strengths are, and what you can do better than others. Remember, God is interested in your ministry.

Zuva 9Zuva 11

About this Plan

Follow Your Calling

This plan will inspire every reader to see in himself a person who, like millions of other people, is called to a specific mission. No matter who you are or what you have, God is calling you today. Just trust in God and start searching your calling with the help of the Bible and the greatest biblical examples. I believe in You. You will succeed.
