Lies I Believe Part 3: I'll Get to Heaven by Being a Good PersonChikamu

Lies I Believe Part 3: I'll Get to Heaven by Being a Good Person

DAY 5 OF 5


Jesus is the only way to heaven. We can’t earn it. We need someone to take our place. This theological concept is called substitutionary atonement. This means that Jesus Christ took the full punishment that we deserved for our sins as a substitute in our place. We see a shadow of this in the Old Testament with the Passover as Israel is waiting for God to free them from slavery in Egypt. They are instructed to kill a perfect lamb and put the blood on their doorposts. Because something without sin was killed in their place, God passed over them during the plague that killed every firstborn. We deserve death for our sin, nothing that we do can ever earn us status in heaven with God. We need Jesus, one without sin, to die in our place. He saves us and gives us his good standing with God so we can be in heaven. Our lives are changed by this gift!

Ask Yourself:

How does it feel to know that someone took your place and died so that you can have life?

What is your response to Jesus’ sacrifice?

Pause to Pray:

Jesus, thank you for taking my place and giving me your good standing before God. Help me to live for you and to grow in faith.

Take the Next Step:

I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) Memorize Jesus’ words, or make a lock screen for your phone as a reminder that it is through Him you have abundant, eternal life.

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Lies I Believe Part 3: I'll Get to Heaven by Being a Good Person

We live under a daily assault of thoughts and ideas–some true and some false. And perhaps the most dangerous ideas we allow to live in our minds are the lies we believe about ourselves. They magnify failure, steal our joy, keep us from love, and prevent us from realizing all of God’s plans for us. Join us as we call out the lies and replace them with God’s truth.
