What Gift Has God Given You?Chikamu

What Gift Has God Given You?

DAY 1 OF 3

Do you know what you are good at? What do you enjoy doing? Are you good at decorating? Good at caring for others? Good at offering hospitality to those who are alone? Are you a computer whiz? Do you love teaching or maybe counseling? Perhaps you’re a fantastic cook or a caring nurse? Whatever talents and skills you have—they are God’s gift to you!

In Matthew 25, Jesus tells the parable of the talents, where faithful stewards who invest and use those talents are later rewarded with more gifts to support and use in His service. Immediately after this story, Jesus begins to teach about feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, welcoming the stranger, and looking after the sick. Have you ever considered that the two teachings are connected?

Ephesians 2:4-10 speaks of God being rich in mercy, and it says we are His workmanship — His masterpiece (in some translations). God has prepared good works for us to do, for His glory! You are unique in God’s sight—you are a priceless masterpiece. There’s never been anyone quite like you in the whole of human history, and nobody else will be exactly like you. God has created you and blessed you with a bespoke and unique set of experiences, talents, and skills that you can invest into the lives of others, especially those who are in great need or sorrow.

Jesus even goes so far as to say that when we serve those with the “least” in our world, we’re doing it for Him!

Colossians 3:23-24 echoes this profound truth when we serve God with our skills in our everyday lives, we’re working for the Lord. When we serve God with our individually given abilities, whether at work, home, or church, we are called to do so as if “working for the Lord,” and we’re reminded God will see and He’ll reward us.

Kathryn, a recent volunteer on a Christian charitable hospital ship, says:

I didn’t think I could volunteer because I wasn’t medical, but then I discovered that Mercy Ships have a school onboard their ships and they really needed teachers. Loving and serving others in all that you do, however big or small, is a wonderful way to show God’s love to those around you. I would absolutely encourage people to volunteer, it is a wonderful way to use the gifts that God has given to you in a way that can help to bring hope, joy, love and healing to others.”

As it says in Matthew 25:23, God longs to tell us,

“Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!”

Reflect: What gifts and talents did God give you? How can you use these skills or your professional abilities and experience to bless others, not as a duty or chore, but as a response to the grace and love of God in your own life?

Zuva 2

About this Plan

What Gift Has God Given You?

Learn from Jesus how we can use all our skills and talents to show love and mercy to others. This plan from Mercy Ships UK takes us through 3-days of Bible readings and reflective questions, with a particular focus on how we can fulfill our role in God’s mission and Kingdom using the gifts and professional skills given to us.
