Pure Decisions Create Pure PowerChikamu

Pure Decisions Create Pure Power

DAY 1 OF 8

Is Purity Prevalent?

Purity is not prevalent in our world, but it is prevalent in God’s Word. God is looking for those who will carry this characteristic of purity around. So how do we do it?

Psalm 119:9 answers the question, “But how can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to Your Word.” The Word being Jesus John 1:1 tells us, so that means through a relationship with God’s Son Jesus, The Word made flesh we can keep our way pure. 

Like any relationship, we need to be actively engaged to feel connected. Engaging with Jesus through prayer, reading our Bible, and fellowship with other believers, we grow in ways to let the Spirit lead us in the way He is calling us to live.

Another couple of questions we have to ask ourselves are how do we want life to look, and does our life currently reflect purity? The fruit of this world comes from the point of view of greed and lust. The standard of culture is an I want it all, and I want in now mentality. But all and now is never enough and always leaves us feeling empty. 

Philippians 4:4-9 encourages us to THINK about what is true, noble, pure, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. 

So let’s take inventory. Do our thoughts typically reflect these qualities or not? 

If not, it’s okay. We don’t have to stay there, and God’s Promise in Romans gives us the ability for our mind to be transformed so we can see new patterns of thoughts come into our lives.

Lord, Thank you for giving me the answers and sending Your Son, The Word made flesh, so I can experience a life of purity and operate in the power of the Holy Spirit. I pray that you would transform my mind and help me consistently think about pure things that my life may reflect Your Love. Amen.

Zuva 2

About this Plan

Pure Decisions Create Pure Power

Purity is often overshadowed and frequently missed in the world loaded with constant impurities. As believers, let's decide to fill up on God's Word and strive for purity that fills us up, not leaving us in shame or bondage. We can execute in our lives with pure power by making pure decisions.
