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The Dragon Is No Match for the Lamb

Scott Staal


“And the dragon was angry at the woman and declared war against the rest of her children—all who keep God’s commandments and maintain their testimony of Jesus.” — Revelation 12:17


We live in a world at war. You and I have an Enemy, Satan. He is real. Stop there. Do you believe this?

Good things are quickly attributed to God and denoted as divine or even “blessings.” Yet, we don’t do the same for moments that go haywire, failing to remember that our Enemy has us in the crosshairs of an attack.

In Revelation 12, the curtain of Heaven is pulled back for us to see the reality of spiritual warfare. An enormous red dragon (Satan) was hurled down from Heaven to Earth along with one-third of the “fallen” angels of whom were in

direct rebellion to God (Revelation 12:8–9; see also Isaiah 14:12–15). Now present on the Earth, the dragon “went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring— those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus” (Revelation 12:17). That’s us.

But the dragon is no match for the Lamb!

When we place our faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ, we receive the salvation that can never be taken away (John 10:28).

It’s through Christ’s blood and the word of our testimony that we can overcome the Enemy (Revelation 12:11). God gives us authority (Luke 10:19) and power

(2 Corinthians 10:3–5) to tap into His resources to triumph over Satan. May you go confidently into whatever spiritual battle you face today, knowing God is with you.

The dragon is no match for the Lamb.


  • What deters your focus in spiritual battles?  
  • What do you need from God to overcome today?


Ephesians 6:10–13; 1 Peter 5:9


"Father, I humbly come to You right now. I submit to Your authority, rule, and power. I resist the devil and all of his schemes in my life right now. In Jesus’s name. Amen."

Zuva 29Zuva 31

Zvinechekuita neHurongwa uhu


The EVERY FCA Devotional features a 31-day reading plan to help coaches and athletes develop a habit of reading the Bible daily and applying it to their lives. For a moment each day, we can dig deep into God's Word and pursue a relationship with Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.
