
Peace that Protects
Patricia Hollowell
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:6–7
There are a few moments in life that I will never forget where I was when I got the news: when the World Trade Centers were hit, when my uncle passed away, and when the NCAA shut it all down.
Earlier that morning, I was in the gymnastics locker room at the University of Maryland helping fold leotards and getting ready to head to a meet. We were informed they were canceling the meet because of a widespread virus, but we thought we would be able to navigate this small hiccup and continue with the season. It was surreal. It was heartbreaking. It is a moment I will never forget.
It is easy to go into panic mode when our world is rocked. We get the news, the diagnosis, the knock at the door, the phone call. Where do we turn for hope at that moment? The truth is that even though there are often things that shock and surprise us, God is never surprised. He sees the end from the beginning. All we need to do is bring our shattered dreams to Him, and He will bring us peace.
If it exceeds our understanding, then by definition, His peace cannot be explained, only experienced. Then He goes on to say that through our experience, that same peace will stand guard over our heart and mind, protecting them from the fear and anxiety that grips us so easily when we remain in our own strength.
That is an amazing offer! All we need to do at that moment when our world crashes down is reach out to Him.
- What was the last thing that happened to you that rocked your world?
- What action step do you need to take today?
John 14:27
"Lord, I come to You in my brokenness and despair. Thank You for loving me and staying with me. Help me to lean on You. Amen."
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The EVERY FCA Devotional features a 31-day reading plan to help coaches and athletes develop a habit of reading the Bible daily and applying it to their lives. For a moment each day, we can dig deep into God's Word and pursue a relationship with Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.