Who Am I? - Part 2Chikamu

Who Am I? - Part 2

DAY 3 OF 5

Empowered Representative

An ambassador is an official envoy, resident representative of his or her own government.

Writing to the Corinthians, Paul likens his own calling to that of an ambassador and he urges all Christians to consider themselves ambassadors for Christ. An ambassador does not speak on his own authority but simply says what he has been commissioned to say. An ambassador is more than a messenger; he is also a representative, and the honor and reputation of his country are in his hands. 

Christians are God’s ambassadors who have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel (1 Thessalonians 2:4). We live in this world but are not of it. We represent another Kingdom, the Kingdom of heaven (John 18:36). As we live our lives here on earth, we are to reflect the ‘official position’ of heaven and convey the message of our King. Empowered by the Holy Spirit we must take the message of our King to all the world imploring them to be reconciled to God. 

How well am I representing Christ to the world around me? What are things that need to change in my life and lifestyle as I live aware that the honor and reputation of Christ are tied to me? 

Lord help me order my life each day knowing I have the awesome privilege of representing you, I pray. 

Zuva 2Zuva 4

About this Plan

Who Am I? - Part 2

Is it even possible to overcome, to have victory over some of those challenges that never seem to go away? Does it matter who I work with? In all that is happening around the world, and the uncertainty that looms large, is there anything at all that is secure? Let’s continue to seek answers in the Bible through this five-day plan from Find Rest My Soul by Preethi Alice Jacob.
