Before You Start Your Day: A Leadership Devotional by Vance K. JacksonChikamu

Before You Start Your Day: A Leadership Devotional by Vance K. Jackson

DAY 3 OF 5

No Other god. 

Exodus 20:3 KJV declares, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:3 New Living Translation (NLT) puts it this way, “You must not have any other god but me.”

What is your heart craving? What is your heart’s appetite? Are you craving the things of this world or are you craving the things of God? Behind every ungodly desire, your heart is secretly feeding a hidden idol. Behind every perverted and ungodly craving, there is an idol that your heart is secretly worshipping.

Galatians 5:1 KJV declares, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”

Choose to set your heart on the Principles and Precepts of God. Let His Word sink deep into the rich soil of your heart. Let your heart crave Him. Let your heart honor Him. Let your heart ‘halal’ Him. Choose to seek Christ first.

What does your heart desire? Who does your heart crave? Who does your heart long for? What are you seeking? Are you seeking Christ or are you seeking to serve and worship the things of this world? 

Are you amplifying the things of this world over honoring Christ? What are you elevating within the borders of your heart? Who are you exalting?

Are you seeking to acquire ‘stuff’ more than you are seeking the Heart of God? Are you seeking that promotion more than you’re seeking to surrender to God? Are you seeking the approval of people more than you are seeking the approval of God? 

Are you seeking the opinion of man more than the ‘Yes’ from God? Are you seeking influence, status, position, popularity, and authority more than the approval of God? Choose to seek God first. Let His Way lead your day and shape your character. In all things seek Him.

Seek His Counsel. Seek His Insight. Seek His Wisdom. Seek His Understanding. Let His Word shape the framework of your heart. Let His Word shape the framework of your day. 

Let His Word shape the framework of your decisions. Let His Way shape the framework of your life. Let God lead your day. Seek Him first.

Zuva 2Zuva 4

About this Plan

Before You Start Your Day: A Leadership Devotional by Vance K. Jackson

In this 5-day plan taken from Vance K. Jackson’s new book, Before You Start Your Day: A 21-Day Leadership Devotional, readers from around the world gather together to read this life-transforming message. Today, as you are reading these words, God has blessed you with “The Gift of Life.” Before you start your day, choose to surrender your day to Christ—the Author of time itself.
