The Power of WorshipChikamu

The Power of Worship

DAY 4 OF 4



Praising the Lord is not just about clapping our hands, because the Psalm of David also teaches us to shout for joy, sing a new song, dance, jump, clap our hands and praise the Lord because of His greatness. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.

Praise, thanksgiving, and song are our worship, just like Abraham who built the altar for the Lord and be blessed by Him. Moses built the tent of prayer to receive guidance from the Lord for the Israelites. One man who really understood praise, worship, and thanksgiving is David. Unlike Moses, David had never experienced a personal encounter with the Lord. David, however, understood the heart of the Lord. He added his prayer with praise and worship. He was called a man after God’s own heart who did the will of God for his generation. David restored Israelites’ worship through prayer, praise, and worship. Many churches do not have an understanding about this revelation. The Lord wants to restore praise and worship in His churches. 

We have to understand that there is power in praise and worship. Joshua led Israelites to capture the city of Jericho through the power of praise. When Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, was attacked by Ammonites and Moabites, both Jehoshaphat and Judah prayed, fasted, and lifted their praises to the Lord. As the result, the Lord fought against the Ammonites and Moabites for them. 

God does not force us to praise & worship Him. He gives us the freedom and the willing heart to respond to His goodness. May all of us understand the heart of David that loved the Lord and prepared His throne through praises. (Psalm 22:3).


The power of praise brings God’s presence that delivers us, restores us, and heals us. Apostle Paul and Silas praised the Lord even though they were in the prison. As the result, the Lord revealed His miracles and set them free. Let us learn the reasons why we have to praise the Lord. 

The reasons why we have to praise the Lord: 

1. Because God has given us the salvation 

Because Israelites were set free from 400-years of slavery in Egypt, they shouted for joy, danced, and rejoiced. We also need to praise the Lord because of the salvation that we have received through Jesus Christ. 

2. Because of the blessings of the Lord (Psalm 105:37). 

The Israelites left Egypt with abundant blessings. They received not only spiritual blessing in the form of salvation but also material blessings. The Lord guarded Israelites so that they did not experience heat, coldness, and sickness. If we, as the churches of God, lift up and praise the Lord, we will experience His amazing blessings.

Obed Edom was blessed because he understood how to honor the presence of God (I Chronicles 13:13-14). God’s presence was in the ark of God. The Lord made a covenant with Moses and Israelites so that they honored and acknowledged the presence of God. Many Christians do not experience the presence of God. God’s presence talks about the presence of the Holy Spirit and His anointing. Moses and David honored the presence of God. When God is present, there will be protection from the enemies, well-maintained life, and abundant blessings. The sign of God’s presence at that time was the ark of God. Today, we are that ark of God, the place where the Holy Spirit dwells. 

3. Because of His acts of power and greatness 

Psalm 150:2 – Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness.

Do not think that we are so great that we are not willing to praise the Lord. Remember that we need other people’s help when we were born and when we die. We might think that we are so small, however, when we are anointed by the Lord, our great God will enable us to do great things for the Lord 

Isaiah 61:10 a— I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God.

For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness.

We are justified, sanctified, and glorified. 

Therefore, as God’s people who praise Him, we should:

1. Proclaim (Psalm 96:2 –Sing to the LORD, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day). 

There are three commands given in this verse: “sing, praise, and proclaim.” We testify wherever we are and to whomever because of all the goodness that we have received from Him. 

2. Give thanks (Phil 4:6 – Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.) We need to always have a thankful heart.

You might praise the Lord with tears because of your burdens and struggles, however, these are your thanksgiving. God is present in a heart’s attitude that praises and surrenders to Him. 

Many people have received the things they want in their lives: wealth, popularity, intelligence, position, etc. but they are still not happy. Many of them even ended their lives by committing suicide. This thing could happen because they did not give thanks to the Lord for what He had given to them. 

Whatever situation God allows to happen in your lives, lift up your praises and thanksgivings to Him. There is power, miracles, and breakthrough in praises that are accompanied by thanksgiving. 


1. Why are praise and thanksgiving important in the lives of believers?

2. Praise and thanksgiving are not supposed to be something that is ‘foreign’ in the lives of those who call themselves Christians. If we read stories in the Bible, we could find many supernatural things that happened when believers and servants of God lifted up their praises to God. We believe that the power of praise and thanksgiving are still applicable today. Please share your experience related to the power of praise and thanksgiving to other cell group members. 

Zuva 3