8 Ways to Love God More Than MoneyChikamu

8 Ways to Love God More Than Money

DAY 3 OF 3

6. Meet with Accountability Partners

Do you know others who are striving to radically love Jesus? Meet with them regularly to encourage each other, share with each other Bible verses, ideas, testimonies and nuggets of truth that are ministering to your heart or challenging your growth. 

Even better would be to pursue an accountability partner who already walks free from the love of money. Nothing motivates more than hearing from someone else who has actually done what you are considering. If you are the most generous person in your circle or the most on fire for Jesus, then ask God to broaden your circle so you can glean from others.

Approach this type of relationship with an open heart, willing to listen and learn from others in the Body of Christ. 


7. Automate Your Finances

Jesus taught his disciples to pray “lead us not into temptation.” Keeping money easily accessible is, for many of us, a temptation. 

For years, we have made savings and giving automatic just like we automate our earnings through direct deposit. Savings and planned giving come straight from our paycheck so we don’t have to depend on will power each week to make sure we keep the first things first. We decided once that saving and giving are important to us, and we have made it inconvenient to change what we know God has set our hearts to do. 

8. Limit How Much You Keep

Finally, change your thinking from, “how much you give” to “how much will I keep?” Let’s be clear, this is not a vow of poverty nor is it a time for imprudence. Instead, this is like a bumper in a bowling alley to keep you on track should you ever wander from the middle of the lane.  

Unless we cap our spending and lifestyle, we will drift into higher and higher standards of living without realizing it. 

Be radical. Set that lifestyle cap, commit to being content at whatever level God has you, and you will start viewing those pay raises as opportunities to give more. Remember to create a plan that honors God instead of money!

Thanks for reading! As a thank you, I’d love to give you my Financial Prayers PDF and complimentary email newsletter full of practical tips to help you master your money using Biblical principles!  Get it here: https://seedtime.com/love 

Zuva 2

About this Plan

8 Ways to Love God More Than Money

Most of us desire to love God more than money, but we can struggle to live that out in our daily life. Over the next few days, let’s explore practical ways to grow in our love for God while also decreasing the hold that money and material things have on us.
