Finding A TreasureChikamu

Finding A Treasure

DAY 1 OF 7


Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. And His disciples asked Him, saying “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents, but that the works of God might be revealed in Him.”

Never be afraid to ask questions. After all, this question from the disciples set me free!

The idea of having a child with any complications was overwhelming enough, but it was followed by waves of guilt. I knew my past, and I knew I wasn’t perfect so I quickly took the blame. Blame and guilt are from the devil, but he loves to heap these on people when they’re going through difficult times. I was really convinced without a doubt that I was to blame for my baby Caroline’s diagnosis of Down Syndrome.

When it came down to it, I felt like a lesser person to begin with so it wasn’t difficult to believe this had happened to me instead of all the great people I knew. I felt this was payment for all the sins I’d ever committed. This guilt and blame increased until I was thoroughly convinced that I was to pay for all my sins.

Yet, one day the Lord brought this Scripture before my eyes: “You shall know the truth and the truth will make you free”. I started searching God’s Word and asking Him what He thought. Thank God, He began to answer me.

I will never forget the day I came across this Scripture in John 9 where the disciples were questioning who has causes the man to be born blind - he or his parents. Jesus blew them all away with one word. Jesus said, “Neither!”

Praise God! The chains of guilts that had held me captive for years fell off instantly in a moment of truth. The truth totally set me free.

There are about 4.6 millions children in our country with some kind of disability and more then 50 million people with disabilities. All of these families need to know the truth so that they can also be set free from their guilt. I am committed to spreading the truth to everyone I can.


Zuva 2

About this Plan

Finding A Treasure

In life the unexpected is sure to happen, and when it does, if you’re like me, you look for answers. In my book Finding A Treasure, I share my journey through life as a teacher and mother of five. After having a child with special needs I needed wisdom. You’ll see in all my searching I found that God's Word was THE Treasure that helped me find mine.
