Enjoying Motherhood Part TwoChikamu

Enjoying Motherhood Part Two

DAY 7 OF 7

Be the Fun Mom

By Deb Weakly

Would you like an easy avenue that will lead straight to the heart of your children? Pray and ask God to help you become the fun mom!

Now, you might be saying, “Deb, my day in and day out life as a mom is anything but fun. Do you know what it’s like to have mounds of laundry to do every day? There is no fun in that!”

Dearest mama, joy and fun are as important to your children as clean clothes to wear. These are important keys to their hearts, providing a way to give them joy-filled memories of their childhood. Your kids need to grow up in a happy home with a happy mom. Believe me, the old adage is still true: “If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” Be the happy mom, and let your kids see you enjoy your life at home with them.

Here are some ideas to help:  

  • Pray and ask God to help you to become a fun mom, by creating a joyful, inviting, and comfortable atmosphere in your home.  
  • Tell your kids often how much you enjoy being their mama.  
  • Smile at your family—often!  
  • When you send them off to school or an activity, be sure to give them a warm hug and an encouraging word such as “Go M.A.D.!” which means to Go–Make–A–Difference. We did this all the time with our kids and it was a good reminder to them that, even as kids, they can make a difference in their world for Jesus.  
  • Now is not the time for “house beautiful!” Make your home work for you! Organize it in such a way that it’s easy to clean. Have cubbies for toys and games. Go to garage sales and buy games that your kids and their friends will love to play. We had a place in the kitchen where we stored our art supplies, bins of Legos, games, and other fun toys.  
  • Be the fun mom for your kids’ friends too. Make your house the fun house! Be generous with your kids’ friends. Let them eat your food! Share!  
  • If you have teens, get a few fun and wholesome video games. I know, can you believe I suggested that? We wanted to have the house where our kids and their friends hung out, so we purchased a few fun video games for them. We popped lots of popcorn, provided a reasonable amount of candy and chips, and the kids were at our house all the time! It would be nice to think that your kids and their friends naturally want to come over, but the truth is that kids generally go to where they are welcome and where there is food and fun. Video games can be a tool when used carefully and in moderation. Set a timer and establish limits right off the bat. Your kids need to learn self-government anyway. They won’t always be in your home, and they need to learn how to manage themselves and temper their habits.

“Next to virtue, the fun in this world is what we can least spare.” Agnes Strickland

Would you like more encouragement in your journey as a mom? Join us on The Help Club for Moms Podcast ,  Facebook , Instagram , or our website at helpclubformoms.com.   We hope to see you there!  :)

Zuva 6

About this Plan

Enjoying Motherhood Part Two

Raising kids in today's culture is challenging. Now, more than ever, we moms need help! Join the community of women at Help Club for Moms for our newest "Enjoying Motherhood" plan as we learn about important, life-giving topics for moms designed to encourage us to keep going and stay strong!
