Kill the Noise Chikamu

Kill the Noise

DAY 7 OF 7

No Posers

Fake. There are few worse insults that someone can throw at you. Being called a fake isn’t just directed at your actions; it gets down to who you are. It says that you have no character, no integrity. You’ve got big words, but when it comes down to it, you have no game. You’re just a poser.

Mary couldn’t get enough of Jesus. She wanted to watch Him, listen to Him, worship Him. While her sister, Martha, was running around trying to get a meal ready, Mary couldn’t pull herself away from Jesus. But was that scene in Luke 10 really who Mary was? How do we know she wasn’t just conning Jesus so she could get out of making dinner?

About a week before Jesus was crucified, He and His sketchy-looking friends were back at Mary and Martha’s house for another meal. Once dinner was served, Mary came into the room. “Then Mary took a twelve-ounce jar of expensive perfume made from essence of Spikenard, and she anointed Jesus’ feet with it, wiping His feet with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance” (John 12:3). Before, her worship of Jesus was watching and listening. Here it became action. She took a jar of perfume that we learn later was worth a year’s wages and used it to honor and bless and worship her Savior. How much do you make in a year? Imagine taking all that money and offering it up to God just because you love Him and want Him to know it. Mary was the real deal. She was nowhere close to being a poser – she was fully committed!

Then there was that other guy. He was watching what Mary did and he was so mad. “But Judas Iscariot, the disciple who would soon betray Him, said, ‘That perfume was worth a year’s wages. It should have been sold and the money given to the poor.’ Not that he cared for the poor at all—he was a thief, and since he was in charge of the disciples’ money, he often stole some for himself” (John 12:4–6). Judas – this dude walked with Jesus and talked with Jesus and watched all the miracles and enjoyed the respect of being known as one of the Lord’s “inside men.” He was part of the squad. People looked up to him. But he was a big poser time after time. He was just in it for himself. Later that week, he proved who he really was when he betrayed Jesus, leading to the Lord’s arrest and crucifixion.

Fully Committed is a conscious decision that the poser life is not for you. Each of us must decide who we are going to be. Are you going to be Mary the worshipper – Spirit-led and serving God? Or are you going to be Judas the poser – a whitewashed tomb stinking of dead bodies? Don’t waste your life posing. Pick up your cross and follow Jesus no matter the cost. If you do, you’ll see God working the supernatural in the natural world; He’ll do it through you. Your life will have purpose and meaning. You will experience joy and love beyond anything you’ve ever felt before. Do it now. Don’t waste any more time. Be fully committed!

The Whosoevers’ mission is to deliver the message of the gospel to a generation searching for meaning, empowering them to realize their true purpose in life. To find out more about the Whosoevers, please visit

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About this Plan

Kill the Noise

Too many people are playing at being Christians, and some haven’t yet taken even the first step of belief. No matter where you are in your spiritual walk, Jesus wants you closer. He’s got a perfect plan for your life – a plan for purpose, peace, joy, and eternal life. All it takes is you deciding that the poser life is not for you. You’re going to be fully committed!
