GOD'S TOUCHPOINTS - An Old Testament Journey (PART 2 - JUDGES)Chikamu

GOD'S TOUCHPOINTS - An Old Testament Journey (PART 2 - JUDGES)

DAY 2 OF 4


Once Israel settles and lounges in luxury in the land flowing with milk and honey, complacency creeps in, disobedience dominates and full enjoyment eludes. Though leaders (judges) step in to turn them around, we see degeneration due to:

• Failure to receive/ pass on God’s word – In Deuteronomy 6:4-9, God clearly instructs Israelites to write His laws in their hearts, foreheads, doorframes, etc. In Gen 18:19, He emphazises importance of passing the legacy. This clearly did not occur as Judges reports in 2:10 “After that whole generation had been gathered to their ancestors, another generation grew up who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel.”

• Foolishness to covenant with “Trojan horses” – Joshua’s error to covenant with the Gibeonites creates a ripple effect as other tribes quickly follow suit in spite of the angel’s warning in 2:2-4 that they will become “perpetual traps and snares” for them.

We see similar compromises in the early Asia Minor churches in Revelations 2 and 3.

Unfortunately neither did the Israelites, nor the churches heed the warning resulting in eventual downfall. In a world of compromise today – in the world, in the church, in our lives, what influences our lives the most?

• Faithlessness of leaders/judges – Leadership is critical to the success of any team. The decline of Israel accompanies the clear degeneration of leadership. In Moses' time, God was the clear leader and each sin was dealt with by God. In Joshua’s time, the great deliverance was marred by the little sins. When God is not consulted, God remains silent. Down the line, the faith of leaders continue to deteriorate:

o Barak does not have courage to battle without Deborah
o Gideon requires a fleece and failed on the matter of the ephod
o Jepthah sacrifices his daughter’s life
o Samson allows carnality to rule his life

• Falling away from God- The last verse in Judges describes the fallen state. “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.” Judges 21:25

So subtle, yet strong is the impact of deviating from God’s commands. Even today, media, peers and other strong influences slowly creep in and gain control almost without our knowledge. Can we hold on to the Word and build Christ’s legacy irrespective of consequences? History has shown that it is moments of prosperity that dull accountability and moments of pain that bring spiritual gain.
Zuva 1Zuva 3

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GOD'S TOUCHPOINTS - An Old Testament Journey (PART 2 - JUDGES)

Israel had the unique privilege of directly being ruled by God who established the operational systems through Moses. God raised Judges to lead. All they needed to do was obey and worship God. This would have guaranteed prosperity, power and attracted nations to their sovereign God. The leaders, however grow weaker along with the Israelites, till there is virtually no governance. As always a few stars shine out, including women
