Don't Drift Through LifeChikamu

Don't Drift Through Life

DAY 3 OF 5

Be Anchored in the Reality of Divine Supply. 

"No one is in a state of nothingness."

What limits you does not limit God. As sons and daughters of the Most High God, we are divinely connected to abundant supply; by the virtue of our divine heritage. The prodigal son may have squandered his material inheritance, but he still has a father who cares; all he needs to do was to return home, and his turning point was when he realized that. 

No one is in a state of nothingness; you haven’t lost it all. Don't drift through life looking for what is not lost. The Bible says, "Goodness and mercy shall follow you." The problem is, what you are running after, is just behind you, running towards you. You need to be still and be in position. God's goodness is not ahead of you to run towards; they are behind you running towards you. Be still, and don't drift.  

God still cares about your life, your health, and His arms are always wide open. 

Joshua 1:9 NIV says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Stop mourning over what was lost; take inventory of what's left and let God work with it. The miracle is never in what you lost. Humans most powerful instinct is the instinct to survive, but God doesn’t want us to live only base on instincts; He wants us to live in the reality and the efficacy of His Word. When we overly focus on what we don’t have, we often lose sight of what we do have. 

Did you know why many of the Israelites didn't make it to the promised land? They continually complained over resources (food and security) that are always readily available, only that they can't see it with their physical eyes. Don't go off course looking for what is not lost. What you are looking for is also looking for you. 

In 2 Kings 4, the Bible narrates the story of Prophet Elisha and the widow, who has nothing left except a Little Oil. 

“Elisha replied to her, how can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house? Your servant has nothing there at all, she said, except a little oil." 

A little oil. That’s all God need. God doesn't need much to restore what was lost, just a "Little Oil." Beloved, stay anchored in the reality of divine supply. 

Zuva 2Zuva 4

About this Plan

Don't Drift Through Life

When a boat is not anchored, it drifts with the current. None of us should go through life wandering. Did you know that a journey of eleven days took the Israelites 40 years to complete? This devotional will help you understand how to live a life anchored on God and His promises.
