My Personal War StrategyChikamu

My Personal War Strategy

DAY 5 OF 5


Most of us were formed in our mother’s womb alone, entering into the world in the same fashion. As we grew though, seeds were planted to let us know that doing life unattached isn’t an option if we’re going to thrive. At an early age we’re taught to share with others, and as we left the watchful eye of our parents, the critical nature of community was reinforced with the reminder of there being “safety in numbers.” 

Yes, there are times when God will call us away from others, but, sis, that’s seasonal. For the long haul, God will intentionally place women along our paths because He knows we have the potential to flourish endlessly when we feel supported. Seemingly out of nowhere there will be women who are attracted to our light and us attracted to theirs. Lighting the way for one another and being each other’s spiritual labor coach will bond us together in a way that makes the inevitable difficulties of life bearable to endure. 

Cultivating and maintaining friendships as an adult takes vulnerability, not only with each other but also within ourselves. There’s a mirror of intimacy within friendships that shows us a reflection of ourselves; a reminder of how we show up in our friendships is a reflection of how we show up for ourselves. How can you have it all together when you’re with your girls but then fall apart when you’re alone? Taking it a step further, how can you be inwardly focused on the Spirit but outwardly led by the flesh? 

Be honest with God and your girls about where you are and what you need. Sis, God will never fumble what you give to Him, and you can trust that He wouldn’t allow you to place your heart in the hands of another woman who can’t handle all of who God is still creating you to be. 

She’s not expecting perfection, so there’s no need to pretend. Being you gives your sister permission to be her. Being “perfect” is a breeding ground for competition instead of celebration. Though unspoken, it tells your sister that missing the mark only happens to her. Being her light will never require you to dim your flame; it means that sometimes you’ll have to use your flame to light her candle. Allow the pain (sin, shame, insecurity, etc.) that once burned you, sis, to serve its purpose by sharing it with her and giving life to the spirit of being an overcomer. Your sister needs to see it!

Moment of Reflection: What does sisterhood mean to you? Have you allowed yourself to receive the support that sisterhood offers? Are you being the kind of friend that you’d want in your life? Practice authentically showing up for yourself and others by hitting up a friend: ask her how her heart is and give her an honest answer when she asks you. You’ve got this!

Prayer: God, thank You for gifting me with the power of sisterhood. Please fill me with the courage to be vulnerable with my girls. Break me free from all trauma responses, especially those feeding my desire to do life alone. God, thank You for the lighthouses of women You've surrounded me with, shining so brightly that I've found my way home to the You that's resting within them. Amen.

Zuva 4