Revelation: A 28-Day Reading PlanChikamu

Revelation: A 28-Day Reading Plan

DAY 11 OF 28

Is judgment day for real?

The end of the world is an idea so thoroughly explored, it could have its own category on Netflix. 

But Judgment Day is more than a fanciful idea or story premise. According to Revelation 6, Judgment Day is 100% real.

In Revelation 6:1-12, God begins the final judgment of humanity. Each judgment builds in intensity: thunder, conquest, war, famine, widespread death, and massive destruction on the earth. No wonder Hollywood execs see Revelation as a perfect script for edge-of-your-seat movies! 

Here’s good news: When we give our lives to Jesus, we are rescued from God’s wrath and receive Jesus’ righteousness. Jesus’ death covered the penalty for our sin, now and forever. We no longer have to fear the end of this world because we know we’re spending eternity with Him. 

God in His great mercy withholds His wrath to give us time and opportunity to repent and follow Jesus. God’s patience with us should not be misinterpreted as permission to continue destructive behaviors. Second Peter 3:9 says, "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." 

The destruction described in Revelation 6 could begin today, or 100 years from now. Either way, we all have an opportunity today to know for sure that when destruction comes we don’t have to fear, "since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us" (Romans 5:1, NLT).


Does the thought of God’s judgment disturb you? Why or why not?

If you’ve asked Jesus into your heart and committed to following Him, you don’t have anything to fear on Judgment Day. Has there ever been a day when you committed to following Jesus? Take some time to remember where you were and how far you’ve come.

If you’ve never committed to following Jesus, you can start today. 

Zuva 10Zuva 12

About this Plan

Revelation: A 28-Day Reading Plan

While living in exile on the island of Patmos, John got a vision of what it will be like when Jesus returns. John shares what he saw, as well as specific warnings and encouragements for the church, in a letter we now know as Revelation.
