Learning to Live From a Heart of RestChikamu

Learning to Live From a Heart of Rest

DAY 5 OF 5

The Capacity of the Beloved

We talk a lot these days about whether or not we have “capacity” to do something—to add something to our schedule, to think through a new idea, to fit in a new volunteer opportunity. Usually when we refer to capacity, we refer to what we can offer. 

But when we live out the capacity of the Beloved, we focus instead on what God offers us—and how we can receive what He has for us in every season, even in seasons of hardship. 

What a transformed perspective on what we’re truly called to in this life! Even if we’re in the middle of one of those “hurry-up-and-wait” seasons of our lives, when things simply haven’t gone as planned—our purpose is not derailed, Beloved! We can sit in confidence in our highest calling today, which is living from our true identity in Christ, yielding our lives to His so that His power and strength and His very life might be expressed through ours.

Then we are free to live with joy despite our circumstances or our own limitations. We realize that our greatest capacity doesn’t depend on what we can build, supply, or crank out. It’s simply about being a vessel that God can fill. We can move into the community of the Beloved with eyes and hearts wide open, ready to step into the fullness of all that God has purposed for us.

This means that even our darkest days of waiting, our hardest winters of the soul, can become the season that brings some of the weightiest blessings of our lives. And we discover that the life we truly long for can show up in the most unexpected places.

Beloved, every heartache, every disappointment comes with an invitation from God to trust Him with what He wants us to receive in every season. And He builds and increases our capacity the more we trust Him, because ultimately His heart is that we’re filled more and more with His fullness as we understand how wide and long and high and deep is His love for us. For this, above all, is the life He wants for us—and the life our soul longs for most.

When have you experienced a deeper awareness of your Belovedness during a difficult time? What was God asking you to receive during that time?

We hope this Plan encouraged you. Learn more about The Life You Long For by Christy Nockels 

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About this Plan

Learning to Live From a Heart of Rest

We each have so many opportunities to do things for God that sometimes we forget that our first calling is simply to delight in our identity as His Beloved. In this five-day reading plan, singer, song-writer, and author Christy Nockels invites us to set aside our hustle for God and instead rest in who He created us to be. And from that beautiful place we find our true identity.
