W W J DChikamu


DAY 6 OF 6


Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit—it was the foundation of his ministry. He was connected to and engaged with the presence of God. We see in Luke 4, when he was in the wilderness, Jesus fasted and prayed for 40 days, and left filled with the Holy Spirit. It was from this place he launched his ministry life. If we are to live like Jesus, then we too must be filled with the Holy Spirit. 

There are two key moments in our Christian journey—the moment we say "yes" to a relationship with Jesus, our salvation moment and the moment we are filled with the Holy Spirit. The first saves us, but the second awakens us. 

God designed us to be filled with the Holy Spirit; it was always his plan for his presence to be central to all we are. Jesus said to his disciples: before you go out from here, you must be filled with the Holy Spirit. It’s the Holy Spirit that allows us to be all we are called to be. 

It is the Holy Spirit that awakens us to see—see the opportunities around us, see the potential in others, see situations and challenges for what they really are. It’s the Holy Spirit that can fill us with the peace that transcends understanding. When we are abiding in the presence of God, he fills us with peace, and we know his closeness, despite what we may be facing. 

It’s in the presence of God that dreams come alive—we say goodbye to our past and we step into our future. The language of the Holy Spirit is the language of dreams and visions. When I’m in the presence of God he shows us that he’s got greater things in store.  It’s also the presence of God that leads us into spiritual intimacy—God’s heartbeat for us. The way he leads us to greater intimacy is through the Holy Spirit. It’s in his presence that the word comes alive! The Holy Spirit illuminates the things of God. When we encounter the power and the person of the Holy Spirit, we understand more of who God is. 

How can I abide in the presence of God? First, I must embrace moments of encounter. Spend time alone investing into your relationship with God. Reach out, be active—church services, conferences, worship, a prayer retreat—are all opportunities to encounter the presence of God. Second, we must constantly desire the Holy Spirit, say to the Holy Spirit daily I need you, I long for you; have a heart that seeks after more of his presence. Third, we must honor the Holy Spirit. God goes back to where he is honored. If he is in a place where he isn’t honored, he will move on, but if he is honored, that’s a place he will remain. Finally, we must ask for the Holy Spirit. Jesus said "everyone who asks receives." He is a good father who gives good gifts to his children. "How much more will your Father in Heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who seek him." He’s just waiting for you to ask! 

Today as you read the key scriptures and uncover more of the Holy Spirit, ask yourself: where do I feel the closest to God? And how can I have more of the presence of God in my life today? 

Zuva 5

About this Plan


WWJD—more than a bracelet or a bumper sticker, it’s a way of life. In this devotional we ask one fundamental question: "What Would Jesus Do?" As we uncover the life of Jesus, what lessons can he teach us about how he lived, what he spent his time doing, and who he shared his life with? We will be inspired to look at our own lives and ask: WWJD?
