Reality CheckChikamu

Reality Check

DAY 1 OF 21

As we start off this week, be greeted as Paul greets his readers: Grace and peace to you! As you read God’s Word may you know the rich grace of Jesus, and experience the unparalleled peace that this grace gives us. Look forward to thanking God at the end of our time in the Word for the same reasons that Paul does; that in reading you will increase and constantly bear fruit because of your faith in Jesus and what He is doing in your life. 

Reading Colossians daily these next 3 weeks is not going to be easy. Life is going to want to get in the way, you are going to get distracted or busy, you’re going to get sleepy, you’re going to forget. Or at least, that’s going to be the temptation. I believe the only way to overcome these temptations is if we have something set before us that is worth more than the distractions, something that you want to say yes to, even if it’s difficult. 

That’s exactly what the letter to the Colossians is about. It is a picture of the hope that is laid up for us in heaven. A picture of a Person, a Way, a Reality that is far greater than anything that this world has to offer. Valuable beyond measure and worth every minute, every part of your life. A life that can only find it’s fullness when beholding the glory of an invisible God through the visible God-man! So say yes to seeing Jesus in Colossians for the following 3 weeks!

Application Question: Think about the next 3 weeks and set aside time on a daily basis to not only read the daily Scriptures and devotionals as a daily task that you tick off, but as time of intentional meditation and prayer about the Word. 

Zuva 2

About this Plan

Reality Check

The letter to the Church in Colossae was written by Paul as a REALITY CHECK on the things that are considered of greatest value for those following Jesus, the threats against them and how to live amidst the culture surrounding them. He investigates the vast ideas of Christ’s Supremacy, which is ultimate reality, all the way to the personal understanding of our new reality in Christ and fullness in Him.
