Romans: Theology for Everybody (6-11)Chikamu

Romans: Theology for Everybody (6-11)

DAY 5 OF 17

Some religions believe in one god (monotheism), and other religions believe in many gods (polytheism). Only Christianity believes in the Trinity, that there is one God in three persons Spirit, Son, and Father. For Christians, this is a closed-handed issue and one of our beliefs that makes us distinct from all other religions, ideologies, and spiritualities. Our God is relational and changes us when we enter into a relationship with Him. 

In this section of Romans, we are told in life-changing, heart-warming, eternity-altering detail how a relationship with each member of the Trinity transforms us. 

First, Jesus died not only to forgive our sin, but also to remove any and all condemnation (8:1-4). God cannot love you any more, and, no matter what you have done or will do, God will not love you any less. Jesus was condemned in your place so that you could be no longer condemned by demonic torment, regrets of your past, criticism of others, or wrath of God. 

Second, the same Holy Spirit who empowered the life of Jesus also now lives in the believer, bringing resurrection life and power (8:5-13). When Jesus told us that He would send us the Helper (John 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7), He knew that we would need the Spirit’s help to live a spiritual life. When Jesus needed help, He went to the Helper and we can do the same. 

Third, God the Father has adopted us into His eternal family, made us children of God, and heirs of the Spirit and all spiritual blessings (8:14-17). This incredible truth radically alters how we see God, ourselves, and other Christians. Our Father is perfect, power, loving, and devoted to us. We are loved, secure, cared for, protected, provided, and cherished. Furthermore, we are adopted into a new family called the Church where we enjoy new relationships just like a child brought home by a loving father to meet the rest of the family. 


1. Read this section over and make a list of things you are grateful to the Son, Spirit, and Father for. 

2. Is there any area of your life in which you have not believed and received that there is now no condemnation for you in Christ Jesus? If yes, stop and give that sin to God and invite the Holy Spirit to lift that burden in prayer. 

3. Spend some time in prayer speaking to God the Son, Spirit, and Father about your relationship with them and have this conversation respectfully but informally to see how the time together unfolds. 


Zuva 4Zuva 6

About this Plan

Romans: Theology for Everybody (6-11)

This 17-day plan will help you dive into the deep theology of Romans chapters 6-11, which discuss topics like election, predestination, and free will. Such complex topics are broken down into practical, applicable explanations and reflection questions that make theology accessible for everybody, whether you’re just curious about the Bible, a new believer, or a long-time follower of Jesus.
