Why WorryChikamu

Why Worry

DAY 3 OF 6


God, I want to seek Your kingdom over my kingdom. Help me to see when I get the order reversed. 


Switching Sides – Part 2

In yesterday’s reading, we learned that the size of our worry is related to the size of our faith. The smaller our faith, the bigger our worry; the bigger our faith, the smaller our worry. When we trust that God knows about our concerns and we believe He will take care of us, we’re released from worry. And when we go through difficult situations without worrying, our light shines brighter to everyone around us.

Today, Jesus comes to the solution to our worry. 

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness…” – Matthew 6:33

The word “but” signals a change of direction, because what we’ve been seeking first is the wrong thing. What we’ve been devoted to is leading us to the valley of worry. The solution to worry is a transfer of devotion. Your devotion determines where your emotions are, and your emotions determine what you worry about. If your primary devotion is financial security, a happy marriage, or kids who act responsibly, then you’re going to worry.

But a whole different way of living and thinking is possible. Jesus is inviting you to surrender your entire life to Him—and not just the areas you’re worried about. He wants you to seek His agenda for the world and put your own agenda second. What does that mean? Jesus summed it up this way: “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10 KJV).

With each specific worry, decide to seek God’s kingdom first and that concern—where you will go to school, your business, or your singleness—second. When you’re tempted to worry about tomorrow, tell God that you want His will to be done in your life more than you want your own way.

When you make that transfer of devotion and surrender everything to God—seeking his will above your own—something happens to your worry. You begin to experience a peace that surpasses human comprehension. Nothing may have changed in your outward circumstances, but something has changed in your heart.

“… and all these things will be given to you as well.” – Matthew 6:33

What things? All the things you’ve been worried about. All the things you don’t have any control over. God is going to take care of you, because you’re more important to Him than the birds and flowers we read about in Day 1 and Day 2 that don’t do anything but are cared for by God. You can trust Him to provide what you need.

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” – Matthew 6:34

This is the principle Jesus taught 2,000 years ago, which is now used by Alcoholics Anonymous: One day at a time. Jesus is giving us permission not to obsess over tomorrow, because He will be in our tomorrow. We simply need to be responsible today. And at the end of the day, pray: Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth—in my world, in my circumstances—as it is in heaven. And as your faith gets bigger, your worries will get smaller.


Are you willing to redirect your devotion and surrender your entire life to your heavenly Father—your worries, your agenda, your plans? By taking that step of faith, you move from I believe that to I trust in. Consider what specific concerns you can surrender to God today.

Zuva 2Zuva 4

About this Plan

Why Worry

Most of us are worried about something. And many of us are more worried now than we’ve ever been. But worry has been around as long as there have been people. Two thousand years ago, there was so much worry that Jesus addressed it, and He gave us the definitive solution. In this 6–day plan, Andy Stanley looks at what the Bible has to teach us about worry.
