How to Receive a Whole New Self-ImageChikamu

How to Receive a Whole New Self-Image

DAY 4 OF 5

Money Can’t Buy This

So far in this plan, we’ve talked about the struggles of self-image, and how we can overcome them by recognizing who God has made us to be. 

It sounds easy, but it’s not, because it means overcoming our natural tendency to compare ourselves to other people. 

Well, today, my friend, we’re going to go deeper into one area that affects our self-image and identity more than any other. I’m talking about money

You see, for most of us, money is a tangible measure that tells people how successful we are. And we always tell ourselves we need just a little more. 

But when money starts to define our identity and our sense of self-worth, it becomes very dangerous. Because at that point, it becomes an idol—something that we worship and pursue and sacrifice for.

That’s why the Apostle Paul calls the love of money “a root of all kinds of evil” (1 Timothy 6:10 (NRSV), and why many other Bible passages warn us against falling into the trap of loving money (like Hebrews 13:5).

And in that verse from Hebrews lies a very clear, distinct choice. To what or to whom do you look for your self-image, for your sense of worth? Do you look to money and all that it buys—comfort, power, recognition, wealth—or to God, who will “never leave you or forsake you”?

It’s a stark choice; one that Jesus Himself talks about in Matthew 6:19-24.

The person who is wrapped up in gathering wealth will always be struggling with self-image. 

Because our desire for wealth can never be satisfied by more wealth, enough is never enough. So our dissatisfaction inevitably eats away at our self-esteem.

These are tough questions to ask ourselves, but we need to know the answers.

And the reason I’m posing these rather awkward, inconvenient, even rude questions is that God wants to set you free from any hold, any power, any control that the false idol of wealth has over you.

Jesus came to set you free, remember? And when He sets you free, you are free indeed! Remember?

He loves you enough to use this YouVersion plan to put these questions before you; to share His Word and challenge you. Because the only way that we gain true freedom is by discovering our true value. Our value to Him. Our value in Him.

And that is something that money simply cannot buy.

Life application questions  

  • How much time in an average week do you spend planning, thinking, and worrying about money? What’s driving that action? Is it fear of falling short? Doubt that God will provide for you? Or something else?
  • How much time do you spend in God’s presence, seeking Him, reading His Word, and giving your struggles and desires to Him?
  • Ask yourself, "Is enough ever enough?" Do some of your struggles with self-image have their root in the need to gather wealth?
  • Read Matthew 6:19-24 again, and allow Jesus’ words to slowly sink in. Meditate on these verses. Ask God to show you how you can serve Him with your whole heart. Ask Him to free you from the prison that money creates.
Zuva 3Zuva 5

About this Plan

How to Receive a Whole New Self-Image

Poor self-esteem is a global pandemic. Too many people are living with deep insecurities that rob them of the abundant life that Jesus died and rose again to bring them. Do you know anybody like that? Join Bible teacher Berni Dymet as he opens God’s Word to discover the liberating image that God is prepared to give you.
