I Live 4 U: Experiencing Unbroken Connection with GodChikamu

I Live 4 U: Experiencing Unbroken Connection with God

DAY 1 OF 5

Do you have an intense longing for a vibrant, unbroken relationship with God?

Within the heart of every person is a longing for connection.

Sometimes this longing becomes misplaced. We begin looking for that deep connection in other people or things. This profound longing of the soul can only truly be satisfied by Jesus Christ. 

At the heart of this desire to connect with God is intimacy. 

There are two four-word keys that are the foundation of an unbroken relationship with God. 

1. “In the beginning, God”

2. “I live for You” 

“In the beginning, God” are the four foundational words of all life. Everyone begins in Him. We are created for Him. We are to experience His abundant, unbroken life. 

The second key to unlocking abundant, unbroken life is "I live for You.” These four words deeply and profoundly affect every aspect of life. The words of Paul in Acts 17:28 (niv) reveal a powerful, foundational connection with God: "For in him we live and move and have our being." 

In Him, we live. In Him, we move. In Him, we have our being. These are aspects of our daily lives from which we cannot separate ourselves. What does it look like to have such a deep connection to God that He permeates every moment? 

The best way I know to describe intimacy is to break down the word by separating it into three smaller words: into-me-see.

Intimacy speaks of vulnerability and trust as our spiritual eyes are enlightened (Eph. 1:18, niv). It describes an honesty and a yearning to be known. I believe Jesus initiates this call of “into-me-see” because He desires for us to perceive the depths of His heart of love. 

As we gaze into Him, we see the truth. As we marvel at His majesty, we learn to worship. In perceiving His goodness, we are satisfied. "Into-me-see" will open our spiritual eyes with new insights. 

Yet, this is only part of the equation. 

We long to reciprocate and experience the eyes of the Lord gazing intensely into our hearts, healing every wound, meeting every inadequacy, and satisfying every desire. 

David puts it this way: “One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord” (Ps. 27:4, niv). 

David had one desire: to dwell with the Lord and to gaze upon His beauty. This longing of David is also is the desire of our heart. 

How do we achieve this kind of intimacy with God? 

Connecting is a word we hear often these days. This word has become very popular in our culture. We connect to the Internet, Wi-Fi, and cellular towers. Our society craves connection. Interestingly, the most popular devices, including cell phones and tablets, are all created to enhance our ability to connect. But do we actually feel more connected? 

How many of the connections we make are genuinely authentic and beneficial?

This is what I have learned: 

· Our connections either strengthen or weaken our focus.

· Right connections are the spark of creative change.

· Wrong connections undermine our momentum.

· Above all, Holy Spirit connections release both favor and desire for intimacy. 

At the foundation of this reading plan is the idea of connection. It begins and ends in intimacy with God. Jesus Christ connecting with us at the deepest level of who and what we are is His heart's desire. He sees us completely, with all of our faults and failures, yet He desires a deep, authentic connection with each of us. 

Only when we understand this truth and experience “into-me-see” can our desire for connection truly be fulfilled.

The Creator of the Universe wants us to invite him to connect with us. That connection begins when we surrender to Him and ask Him to be part of the deepest places of our heart. He is not just observing our lives from a distance; He wants to be entirely and continually involved. Our response to intimacy is to bow our hearts in His presence, like David, in reverence and worship. 

Specifically, intimacy with God is connecting with both His love and His truth in such a powerful, profound way that we are willing to surrender and prioritize our time to be alone with Him.

Those minutes that we give up and use to focus solely on Him connect our entire day with more significant and Kingdom-filled living. Intimacy with God builds trust in Him.

Today I challenge you to surrender moments of your time to be alone with God. Connect with Him through intimacy and watch what He does in you! Make this declaration: "I live for You!”

Zuva 2

About this Plan

I Live 4 U: Experiencing Unbroken Connection with God

Experiencing and learning how to have an intimate connection with God's love. This reading plan was crafted to specifically help you grow your relationship and connection with God.
