10 Scriptures To Help You Stick It Out In MinistryChikamu

10 Scriptures To Help You Stick It Out In Ministry

DAY 10 OF 10

I was tired.

I wished I wasn’t. But I was.

While I was driving in my car – my best thinking spot – Galatians 6:9 kept running through my head: “And let us not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.”

I thought to myself: Lord, I’m not tired of doing good. I’m tired of criticism. I’m tired of disunity. I’m tired of betrayal. I’m just plain tired.

And I threw myself a big ole pity party complete with streamers and confetti. I shed a few tears since it was my party, and I could cry if I wanted to.

Then I heard the Lord whisper to me:

Do not get tired of doing good to those who criticize you.

Do not get tired of doing good to those who have created disunity.

Do not get tired of doing good to those who may betray you.

Do not get tired of doing good.


And the pity party came to a screeching halt. It was time to take a deep breath, pull the big-girl pants up, stick it out, and not grow weary.


Because “at just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.”

If. Did you catch that? What a sneaky little word. If.

That blessing may not have come yesterday. And it might not come today or tomorrow. But in God’s “just right time” it will come, if.

If I don’t give up.

If I don’t quit.

If I stick it out.

If I stay the course.

If I keep doing what is good.

So, I will continue on.

I will keep doing good to those who criticize me.

I will keep doing good to those who have created disunity.

I will keep doing good to those who have betrayed me.

I will keep doing good.

Have you found yourself in a similar place? Wanting to throw in the towel because of people? Ask God to renew in you a passion for people and how He wants you to love them.

By Lori Wilhite
Zuva 9

About this Plan

10 Scriptures To Help You Stick It Out In Ministry

So you’ve been called into ministry. Ever wanted to give up because it’s just too challenging? Ever think you weren’t cut out for it? That somehow God must have made a mistake by choosing you? We know the feeling. In this 10-day plan, we will share struggles we’ve faced in various ministry roles and how God gave us His Word to stand on in the midst of crisis and pain.
