

DAY 3 OF 7

Find Strength and Courage 

Fear weakens us. Discouragement derails us. Yet our fears are real. And in certain seasons of perpetual difficulty, it seems we’re constantly just moments away from careening into the ditch of discouragement. Maybe that’s why God’s voice thunders when He charges us to be strong and full of courage. Our feet tend to follow our gaze, and when our perspective is skewed, we lose our way. Yet Jesus’ voice continually beckons us back to the path of faith. 

The reason Jesus charges us not to fear or to let discouragement win the day is because He knows what it’ll do to our soul, to our heart. And what He asks of us, He also entrusts to us. When He asks us to be brave, He also gives us courage. Amazingly, He offers us faith and is at the same time pleased by our faith. He has entrusted to us every blessing, every promise, complete access to His presence, abundant wisdom for every hour. You can do this, friend. Just take another step.

Have you loosened your grip or lost a bit of your fight? Rise up, brave one, and claim the promises that are yours for the taking! Let the weak say, “I am strong in the strength of the Lord!” (Ephesians 6:10).

Joshua was about to lead this new generation of Israelites into the Promised Land. They’d need two very important things in order to successfully make this trip: ears to hear and a heart to know God’s mighty power and ability to intervene. We need these too. 

Pause here for a moment and consider the rogue thoughts and the daily stresses cluttering your brain right now. Set those aside for a moment. Take a few deep breaths. Ponder God’s nearness. Listen to what the Lord your God is saying to you. Do you hear Him? 

Though He sometimes seems slow to intervene, do you still believe that His power is matchless and His strength endless? Do you believe He’s able to rearrange circumstances and intervene in ways that defy the gravity of your situation? Your presence with Him matters. He has things to say to you. He intends to display His power in your life. The Almighty God is with you.

Precious Lord, thank You for adopting me as Your own. You’ve made me an heir. You’ve provided for my every need and equipped me for every battle. You’ve never left me alone and never will. I am strong in You! Amen. 

Zuva 2Zuva 4

About this Plan


Scripture is God's love letter to us. Every promise He makes, He keeps. Everything He asks of us, He redeems. But that doesn't mean life is easy, so we need to be reminded that we serve a faithful God who equips us to prevail. Beloved author and speaker Susie Larson guides us through Scripture while encouraging us to feel and to trust God’s presence in our everyday lives.
