

DAY 2 OF 5


by Rocky Fleming

Day Two 


Thought:  The Breastplate of Righteousness is mentioned.  We need to understand the word “righteous” to understand how this breastplate protects us.  Quite simply it means to be in right standing with God.  It means to walk with Him without a hindrance in our relationship that would keep Him from protecting us, or take us off of the path He has chosen for us.  This doesn’t mean that just because we are in His care that He will keep all illnesses or disasters away from the righteous person.  Even if our walk is unobstructed with Him we will likely face some form of tragedy or loss in our lifetime.  That is just life.  However, if and when these things do occur for the righteous man or woman, we can be assured that these things are permitted for a greater purpose than we may see at the time.  They are not random or accidental or without God’s permission to come to us.  He must permit it, for them to make it to the righteous person.  

We can be assured of this. All of Christ’s disciples were beaten, or stoned, or martyred in some way.  God could have kept these men and many men and women after them from being martyred, but He did not.  This might seem cruel unless we remember that their deaths delivered these people to heaven, and to the place we all long for.  Why does God allow these things?  It is because He has a bigger and better plan for His children in our life than just life, and He asks us to trust Him.  Our life has greater meaning than just our physical life on Earth.  Therefore, we must trust God to make every aspect of our life, including tragedies that come our way, something that brings Him glory?   Our main concern is not what He does, but rather what we keep Him from doing in our life.

Application:  How is your breastplate of righteousness?  Is there any hindrance in your life that might be affecting your right standing with God?  Do you sense that you or a loved one is vulnerable in any particular area and there is fear going on in you because of it? As you interact with my questions and the thoughts that I’ve presented, take the time right now to entrust those things that you fear to the Lord.  Crystalize in your mind what those things are, and one by one take them to the feet of Jesus and leave them before Him.  Ask Him if there is anything you need to do.  Ask Him if there might be other things that stand between you and Him.  Take some time to pray these things right now. 

Q:  What do you think the Holy Spirit said to you? 

Q:  What adjustments do you need to make in response to what He revealed to you?

Response:  Make a commitment now to follow through with any changes that you need to make.

Zuva 1Zuva 3

About this Plan


The journey to "righteousness" requires intimacy with God and soul-searching. "Righteousness" means "to be in right standing with God". When we are right with God, we are strong and able to face our fears and challenges with resolve. Join us as we learn how we can be Righteous.
