Welcoming the New SeasonChikamu

Welcoming the New Season

DAY 3 OF 4

Ask, Seek, Knock

Some people wonder why Jesus told us to ask, seek, and knock. Didn’t God know what we wanted? Can’t He simply give us what we want? I think the answer is quite simple: because He understands that humans tend to take for granted things that they acquire easily. The more we have to put effort into finding something, the more we value and care for it.

We need to grasp the truth that faith is active, instead of passive. Faith is not about sitting still and not doing anything. The Bible clearly says that faith without works is dead. Faith is the language of God’s Kingdom. God responds towards our faith, He longs to relate with us as a Father relates to His children.

As we ask, seek, and knock, our patience, honesty, perseverance, and character are tested. Can we bear long-suffering, or do we easily give up? We will discover strengths to cultivate and old-habits to let go of; things we are able to do and things that are beyond our capabilities. We will find the people who are true to us and we will gain experience, wisdom, and insight as we journey on to the opened door. 

He (Jesus) replied, “Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them," (Matthew 13:11). This is one of our privileges as children of God. The word ‘secrets’ originated from the word ‘mysterion’ (a mystery or hidden things). Secrets don't stroll in public places, therefore we need to search for them. God won’t require us to ask, seek, and knock if there is nothing for us to find in the first place; or if He hasn’t provided us with what is good; and if the door won’t be opened for us. Do not be indolent; do not be passive in waiting and say, “Who would open job opportunities during times like these?” or, “No business is going to work anyway,” or “Nobody is going to help me.” The enemy laughs at the sight of us giving up before we even try.

Let’s actively work out our faith. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened because our God in heaven is a good Father.


Father in heaven, I am grateful for Your Word. I trust that You are able. Even in the midst of my troubles, I still find Your help that exceeds my expectations and my thoughts. You always provide for me, and I believe that it is Your love and Your power that sustains my hope. In the name of Jesus, amen.

Zuva 2Zuva 4

About this Plan

Welcoming the New Season

As human beings, anxiety is often our natural response towards matters we have yet to understand or solve. But the Spirit of God gives us the power to go through all kinds of seasons. For the next four days, we will learn how to let go of anxiety, and tap into God’s strength, as we ask, seek, and knock to prepare ourselves for welcoming the new season.
