Filipino Christmas ThoughtsChikamu

Filipino Christmas Thoughts

DAY 4 OF 4


Christmas is for children. So true! Even if you're 60 and believe in Christmas, you're a kid too.

How can anyone believe that someone from heaven came to save us? How can you even buy into a tale that this Son of God became man, willingly letting Himself be crucified for our sins?

Who could think such nonsense? Children! Or as Jesus says, those whose hearts are child-like.

Are you and I foolish for believing in Jesus? This I know, and that's why with childlike faith, I've believed: It made sense one day—that God loved me! The Bible testifies. Jesus is the expression of God's love, that I needed to trust Him as my Savior and Lord.

Then, something within me morphed. A Bible prophet said, He'd change our hearts of stone with hearts of flesh—sensitive to His Spirit, His instructions.

How could I explain when my bitter and unforgiving heart learned to love those I hated, or when peace I never experienced before flooded my soul? Where I used to stew with rage, envy and malice, I learned to look at others with compassion. Defies all logic, huh? I've learned to sleep without fear or worries—as He promised. No amount of MBAs or PhDs—or money or fame or power—could buy you that.

Do I get riled by irresponsible and inconsiderate people? Still! As long as we're still on planet earth, we'll be tempted. But He teaches self-control too. A constant voice in my head, "What will you gain by blowing your top? Don't let Satan steal your joy."

His grace enables us to walk in wisdom and righteousness, allowing His power to be seen in us; because He gave me His mind so, "I can walk my talk by reflecting His character."

God has never been late or slow to act on our behalf. That's why at the right time, Jesus came, that those with child-like faith may believe. So tell me, how can we pooh-pooh Christmas as just another holiday?

But be a child first. Open your heart to Jesus. And experience Christmas every day!

Prayer: Jesus, heal my unbelief. Teach me to put my trust in you. Make me experience Christmas as they did that first Christmas day. Thank you for giving me the best gift!

Zuva 3

About this Plan

Filipino Christmas Thoughts

Filipinos' Christmas practices have almost become westernized. However some distinct traditions have been kept. Yet, we cannot deny the season's universal and eternal lessons and its life-changing impact on all of us—no matter our nationalities.
