Committing to the Work: Being Dedicated and Committed to the AssignmentChikamu

Committing to the Work: Being Dedicated and Committed to the Assignment

DAY 1 OF 5

Here is the thing: we can have vision, purpose, assignment, and even focus, but if we are not dedicated, then all of that means nothing.

Dedication is key to any purpose or assignment that God has entrusted us with. We can have all the potential in the world to do something, but if we have not dedicated ourselves to doing it, then it will not happen.

According to the Google dictionary, to dedicate means to devote (time, effort, or oneself) to a particular task or purpose. This means doing a task until it is finished.  

I cannot express how much dedication is critical for the assignment God has given us. When we stop at the halfway point or at any point other than completion, we often forfeit some of the blessing that God had in store for us. It’s not because He is an evil God who wants to withhold things from us or make us feel like we have to earn something from Him. Actually it’s quite the opposite. It is because He is a good God who wants to give us good things, and He wants to give the good things to those He can trust with them. And dedication earns trust.

Let’s be honest. If you ask someone to do something and they only do half the job, would you trust them to do it again? It is their dedication to completing the job all the way through and doing it well that allows you to entrust them with more.

In what ways are we ensuring that we can be trusted with the assignment God has given us?


Zuva 2

About this Plan

Committing to the Work: Being Dedicated and Committed to the Assignment

We can have all the potential in the world to do something, but if we have not dedicated ourselves to doing it, then it will not happen. In this devotional, we will discuss the importance of being committed to the assignment God has given us and what the book of Nehemiah teaches us regarding this.
